Voodoo Vince: Remastered Reviews
Voodoo Vince, while flawed, is a perfect defense for bringing obscure titles back from the dead.
Voodoo Vince Remastered is what some would call a "working man's 3D platformer." It isn't ground-breaking or breath-taking, but it delivers on all of its promises. Each stage offers something new, but it never detracts from the core elements. The amazing soundtrack can't be praised enough. Above all, this game has aged quite gracefully. Even somebody who has never played it before - such as this reviewer - will find it to be thoroughly impressive.
Voodoo Vince is nothing short of a 3D platforming gem and this Remastered version will hopefully get it the attention that it deserves.
Certainly a forgotten gem on the Xbox. Play the original version or the remastered version. It's guaranteed to be fun!
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Voodoo Vince Remastered is a burlap bonanza 13 years later, providing nostalgia for fans and a fresh, compelling experience for those invested in the 3D Platforming genre. Come to New Orleans for the alluring art style and stay for the clever gameplay and sonically pleasing score.
Voodoo Vince is a clear example that the original Xbox had some fantastic games. The remaster is a great platformer for Xbox One and still feels fresh after all these years. Beep Games…start your sequel please!
Voodoo Vince: Remastered is another great addition to the Xbox One catalog. Its immersive world with its unique protagonist comes complete with great execution.
If you’re a die-hard fan of platformers, eager to play everything the genre has to offer, than you might find that the jazzy music and whimsical charm of Voodoo Vince Remastered is just what the (witch) doctor ordered. But for everyone else, you really should just play Yooka-Laylee.
I liked Voodoo Vince, the character was entertaining and it was hilarious that injuring him often helped with progression.