MotoGP 15 Reviews

MotoGP 15 is ranked in the 28th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
6 / 10.0
Jun 30, 2015

A competent if not thrilling yearly update to the two-wheeled racing franchise, MotoGP fails to deliver the excitement it's subject matter deserves.

5 / 10
Jun 29, 2015

MotoGP 15 is still an accomplished racer, but it offers little to draw fans in, compared to last year's entry. There's a few nice touches, like having your own team in career mode, and the bike racing still manages to strike a balance between being accessible and being very challenging, but from the all-too-familiar double loading screens to the lacklustre environments and beyond, we're still waiting for Milestone to fully take advantage of the latest generation of consoles.

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Jul 12, 2015

MotoGP 15 manages to delight and disappoint this year. The racing itself is better than ever due to the improvements in the physics and handling of the bikes. However, with the game making its first appearance on the Xbox One you feel that Milestone had the chance to impress and perhaps bring new fans into the fold, but with the lacklustre presentation and more severe bugs, it feels like a missed opportunity and that's a shame. To be fair, the title has always focussed on the racing - it just wants the player to race and race some more, and with this Milestone have continued to deliver an unrivalled two-wheel experience that is a thrilling and intense as the sport it represents. It is genuinely hard to find fault in the actual racing within the game.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jul 21, 2015

At it's best, MotoGP 15 delivers a stellar core racing experience that is backed up by a strong use of the official MotoGP license. At it's worst, it's an average-looking racer that lacks that certain magic that makes the actual MotoGP so enjoyable.

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9 / 10.0
Jul 6, 2015

While it's not visually amazing, Motogp 15 delivers a spectacular racing experience thanks to solid gameplay and a great scale of challenge.

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5 / 10
Sep 4, 2015

Enjoyable, but suffers from a lack of upgrades

Top Critic
3.5 / 5.0
Jul 4, 2015

Given the extremely limited number of motorcycle racing games on next-gen consoles, the MotoGP franchise is still the choice when it comes to racing but given that the PlayStation 4 has been out for almost 2-years now, the engine used to create this game looks quite dated, especially when you compare it to some of those amazing car games available. Sure, it's not all about graphics but it does help and unfortunately on this situation, the game is definitely let down by the uninspiring gaming world.

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7 / 10.0
Jul 12, 2015

I may have never ridden a motorcycle or have a clue how any of the mechanical intricacies work, but that certainly didn't stop me from having a whole lot of fun with MotoGP 15. The dips in graphics and steep learning curve can be more than made up for in what is a solid MotoGP simulator and perfect alternative for those bored of racing cars.

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8 / 10
Jul 5, 2015

MotoGP 15 is a cracking game and even if it doesn't tick all the boxes for a serious racer, it does for those with an outside interest. A worthy addition to the genre.

Jul 5, 2015

Compared to the plug and play nature of the still awesome 'Excitebike', 'MotoGP 15' presents itself as one of those extremely detailed simulation titles that successfully attempts to suck the fun out of the genre. Don't get me wrong: 'MotoGP 2015' is mightily impressive, a virtual tour de force and a marvel to, well, marvel at. It's just so realistic and so real, that it ends up becoming soulless, mechanically, technologic and boring. After all, if you want this kind of realism, why don't you just pick up real-life motorcycle racing yourself?

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