Sacred 3

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Top Critic Average


Critics Recommend

6.5 / 10
2 / 5
Game Informer
7.5 / 10
4 / 10
Game Revolution
2.5 / 5
5 / 10
5 / 10
Hardcore Gamer
3 / 5
Creators: Deep Silver
Release Date: Jul 31, 2014 - PC
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Critic Reviews for Sacred 3

Massacring Sacred 3's monster hordes is brutal, silly fun, but don't expect anything more ambitious than that.

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Sacred 3 has the skeleton of a fun co-op hack 'n' slash experience, but it's marred by too much repetition, balance issues, and the worst comedy routine this side of Open Mic Night at the Middle of Nowhere Comedy Shack.

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Did you enjoy Sacred: Citadel's arcade-style hack-and-slash take on the RPG franchise? You're in luck, because that's where the series appears to be going overall

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Tedium is at the heart of Sacred 3, a successor to the earlier games in the series in name only.

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Frankly, I'm not sure what the developers were thinking with Sacred 3. The gameplay, of course, screams Diablo III or Torchlight clone, but those games actually provided worlds you could really explore and discover. Also, people really enjoy them. I definitely had fonder memories playing each of them than Sacred 3, and they're not even in a genre I usually play. That should really say enough.

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As it stands, Sacred 3 feels distinctly average. The game works well enough at what it presents and is largely annoyance-free (though the checkpointing system could be better and I had a save-game issue where my progress wasn't saved from one session to another) but there's better and more rewarding games out there right now that you should seek out first.

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While Sacred 3 isn't a broken mess, there are few redeeming qualities to be found. Linear levels, repetitive enemies, meaningless progression, and insulting voice acting add up to a dreary mechanical exercise. There are far better options for action RPGs than Sacred 3.

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Sacred went from a varied Diablo clone to a Gauntlet clone, but doesn't live up to either. While it may be a good hack-and-slash appetizer to tide gamers over, it never manages to distinguish itself in the genre.

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