WildStar Reviews

WildStar is ranked in the 89th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8.5 / 10.0
Jul 1, 2014

WildStar may look cute and colourful...and it is. But it's also an enriching experience that's chock-full of content and character. If you can splurge on the subscription, then Nexus is well worth the trip.

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9 / 10.0
Jul 25, 2014

WildStar comes to the table with some of the most delightfully beautiful visuals I've ever seen in an MMO.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 18, 2014

Wildstar may not do anything especially new, but it does things well, a distinction that means it has truly earned itself the lazy moniker of 'WoW in space'.

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4.5 / 5.0
Jun 10, 2014

If you enjoy MMOs, WildStar is an excellent choice that should have some good legs to it. If you hate everything about MMOs, WildStar is not going to change your mind. It was made for traditional MMO enthusiasts, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. If you're itchin' for some exploration, questing, player-killing, raiding, house-decorating, and monster-slaying, then saddle up, Cupcake. WildStar is a fun ride.

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Top Critic
Aug 3, 2014

Though WildStar slowed down a bit in these levels, it's never lost my interest. There's so much to do that you can switch things up and play at your own pace. Even if I only have 20 minutes to play, I can still feel like I've progressed or done something worthwhile with my time.

Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Jun 3, 2014

WildStar is visually stunning, fun to play, and just feels new. Despite the overwhelming number of systems it has an incredibly easy learning curve, and is overflowing with entertaining content.It's clearly the first real step towards the necessary evolution of the genre. Ultimately this game may not satisfy everyone that tries it, but everyone that has played or will play MMOs really does need to try it.

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4.1 / 5.0
Jun 29, 2014

In summary, Wildstar is an enjoyable game with its ups and downs.  It isn't breaking new ground, but it is taking existing ground and moving it in fun and unique ways.  If you go in wanting a fun MMO, this will serve its purpose.  If you go in wishing for something that replaces every other MMO out there, well, you'll always be looking.  Nonetheless, the game is worth playing and it is worth a subscription.

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Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Jul 18, 2014

It's a difficult task to capture fully the experience of MMORPGs. The genre is predicated on tons of content intended to last players for months, if not years. It's made even more difficult when a game like WildStar comes along, content-rich and incredibly varied in its well-balanced features. That's why it is easy for me to recommend WildStar to new and old MMO fans alike, as well as to anyone looking to jump into their first MMO. The game literally has something for everyone and does everything incredibly well.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jul 1, 2014

For the same subscription price as World of Warcraft, Wildstar has a huge amount of content to offer the player. While it is more tailored to those looking to put in the effort it has huge amounts of potential to claim the throne from WoW though in all honesty we can see these two MMORPG's co-existing quite happily while dominating the rest of the market.

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9 / 10.0
Sep 23, 2014

I've been playing Wildstar since it came out in June, and every time I turn around, I find more things to do or see. In addition to the PvP and complicated combat, that may be the biggest problem I have with Wildstar. I love having lots to do, but sometimes, it can feel a little overwhelming. Instead of brainstorming about fun things and pulling a few ideas out of a hat, the developers seem to have taken the entire hat, created an MMO around it, and also given you the option to dye and customize the hat. I imagine this feeling will lessen when I reach the endgame, but that's a whole new kettle of worms.

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Top Critic
8 / 10
Jun 21, 2014

Wildstar is explosive, flashy and fun, and will hopefully stand the test of time and be expanded upon further in the coming years and months. Carbine seems dedicated to creating a stable and mature community of players, managing the in-game economy and keeping the game viable for its fans.

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9 / 10.0
Aug 4, 2014

I keep finding more and more things to do and work towards in Wildstar that I sometimes find myself torn by what to focus on next. When I attended the media event two months before the game launched Carbine promised that they would be delivering updates and new content regularly. As we enter into the second month post launch they are making good on that promise with their second content drop hitting the servers today meaning even more options for players to get lost in. In short, the game is already getting bigger. Yes it's an MMO, yes it has a lot of the same features or game play we have seen in other titles and yes its so freaking huge you might feel overwhelmed with your options but if you are fan of the genre, but even with the little technical issues currently in the game, you can find no better option than Wildstar.

Jun 27, 2014

All things considered, WildStar has not only managed to weather the storm that was its launch period, but has continued to remain a fast paced, entertaining, and thoroughly challenging MMO for genre veterans while being accessible for newcomers. With powerful and versatile customisation options, and content for almost everyone, it's a game that doesn't reinvent the MMO wheel, but is the logical culmination of all that is great with the genre. Providing the same level of quality & regularity continues with its content updates, there will be more than enough reason to stay on Nexus.

71 / 100
Jul 24, 2014

Wildstar, then, is gratuitously good-feeling. Last night, I spent another five hours in the game. I went to a village where I licked bugs that made me feel like I was tripping on acid. There were giant rabbits dancing in happy circles and chanting. Why would I leave this? A lot of Wildstar's content draws from all of the MMOs that have come before it, but this outlandish dedication to fun is its own. It's unashamed to be a delightfully cheesy animated space adventure.

80 / 100
May 14, 2014

There is no wrong decision in WildStar. The bad guys are always going to be your opposition. Period.

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Jul 16, 2014

It's slow to start, but when WildStar finally kicks into high gear it throws a ton of content at you. Telegraphs make combat interesting and complex, some of the classes provide unique play experiences, and the Path system adds flavor to your overall quest. PVE, PVP, Housing, Crafting, Dunegeons, and Raids; if you want to do it, it's probably in here somewhere. Wildstar isn't perfect, but it's a great launch for an MMORPG.