Sea of Thieves Reviews

Sea of Thieves is ranked in the 37th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10.0
Apr 2, 2018

Sea of Thieves is a game that is only going to get better. While it may be a little empty now, the mechanics, the world and the experiences you can already have are incredible.

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6.5 / 10.0
Mar 26, 2018

Simply put, it is a game that brings the pirate experience to life perfectly, but after a couple of hours, you will feel less like Blackbeard, and more like his manager. Rare could’ve done so much more with this opportunity, and hopefully, they will add some new content to spice things up.

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5.5 / 10.0
Mar 27, 2018

How much patience you’ll have for Sea of Thieves will depend almost entirely on your social set-up, how much you care for loot and how allergic you are to repetition.

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