Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon

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Critic Reviews for Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon
The prospect of playing such a lovingly crafted tribute to the vintage heyday of Konami's seemingly abandoned Castlevania series more than makes up for a few out-of-place boss fights and a slightly too punitive death penalty. Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon delivers a brief but effective burst of nostalgia, and thanks to its many creative modifiers it contains enough replay value to engage (and challenge) anyone who pines for gaming's bygone days. And this isn't even the "real" Bloodstained! As appetizers go, it's substantial — nearly satisfying enough to be its own main course.
Made with affection and artistry, this retro appetiser is a very pleasant surprise.
Curse of the Moon has a fun roster of unique heroes, but the slow-moving action quickly grows stale
Bloodstained: Curse Of The Moon is undoubtedly aimed at a very specific audience, and you'll know if you're part of that just by looking at the screenshots. If those, combined with words such as these, make your heart sing, however, it's definitely worth your time. It's like Castlevania just decided to come soaring back into all our lives, and how can that ever be a bad thing? Exactly.
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon keeps the lifeblood of the Castlevania series pumping with a condensed, and appropriately retro homage. It might not blaze the trail on anything new like a few other recent Inti Creates projects have, but it does exactly what it needs to do, and helps bolster the new legacy of Bloodstained proper before it's even out.
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon may be a prequel to Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, but functions as a worthy homage to the NES Castlevania games.
Classicvanias and retro action games fans can give a chance to Bloodstained : Curse of the Moon on blind faith. This game is a beautiful, really enjoyable - even if it can considered a bit short - and vibrant tribute to Castlevania III : Dracula's Curse with some great action and platofrming, beautiful 8-Bit graphics and musics, in a new setting that we hope will fulfill ita potential with Ritual of the Night.
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