Flashback Reviews
Flashback on Switch is the definitive edition of a truly special science fiction platform/puzzle solving/shooting video game that already more than proved itself to be a 16-bit classic.
A great chance to try this retro experience but also a really hard way to introduce ourselves to a time in which one only shot could end the game. Great adaptation work.
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VectorCell's 2.5D take on the PC classic Flashback amounts to a good remake, but not a great one.
A nice Anniversary Edition of a piece of gaming history. First you'll have to tame the joypad controls, then you'll be able to deep dive into this fascinating game.
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25 years after its original release we still love this cyberpunk adventure. The new filters and rewind options don´t add much to the original, but Flashback didn´t need that kind of improvements. Physical edition is also great.
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Nintendo Switch has allowed to keep the traditional elements that attracted the core fan base while welcoming new players. It has been done by means of a rewind feature that facilitates the use of 'Flashback'. Even though it remains as a simple port of a game that most have already played, it still is worth a ride.
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Flashback is another classic that lands on the Nintendo Switch and this 16-bit gem brings with it everything that made it a nostalgic piece of gaming, along with some additional new elements. Thanks to its old school gameplay, those who know what Flashback is about are set to become very attached to this re-release, while those less accustomed to its demanding style will face some frustrating difficulties.
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This is the best version of a timeless classic, treated with respect and with QOL improvements to make it palatable even to younger players. Wait for a price drop and grab it.
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This cult classic ages really well and has a lot to offer to every gamer, both old and new.
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It's clear why Flashback: The Quest for Identity was only popular in its day. Some aspects of it make it inaccessible to the regular Joe, like the unusual control scheme and sometimes cryptic gameplay that rarely explains itself. This 25th Anniversary makes efforts to try to make it more palatable to modern gamers but it did not really try where it was suppose to - like making an alternate control scheme. This is going to be the biggest barrier for most and only those who are willing to take the time to adjust are going to get the most out of Flashback. This is a very rare approach to what has become a saturated sub-genre of platformer thanks to how it is uncompromising with how it dumps people into a futuristic setting and explains nothing, while expecting people to figure it out by themselves. It is a very refreshing adventure game that is dense with content and things to do. The world feels so alive with an almost fetishistic attention to detail. It is clear why it fell into obscurity, but it is very obvious why it was so amazing when it came out. Anyone willing to give Flashback: 25th Anniversary the time will not be disappointed.
We are facing a platform adventure absolutely essential for those who in his day we could not enjoy it: his level of frustration facing the player is only comparable to the satisfaction we get to discover the right way forward. Its setting is an authentic wonder that today still looks colorful and its level design is an achievement that 25 years later continues to amaze.
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