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MUSYNX for Nintendo Switch Trailer
Critic Reviews for Musynx
Barebones in organisation and structure but absolutely joyous in its presentation, Musynx is pure rhythm game fun. Excellent, upbeat music that focuses on lesser-exported areas of Asian pop, charming, cleverly creative visuals, and rock-solid gameplay in both button and touch modes all come together in a lovely, personality-filled package. If you like a strong sense of progression in your music games, Musynx's straightforward setlist approach will leave you wanting; but if the idea of booting up into a free-play menu of 90+ songs and working to beat your personal bests sounds like your idea of a good time, you'll be in rhythm heaven here.
Musynx is a light, quick, and challenging music game with plenty of reasons to keep you coming back for more. It may be devoid of endless options, additional difficulties, and all the window dressing that comes with the "bigger" rhythm games out there, but it's well worth taking for a test drive.
If all you're looking for is a pure rhythm game to take on the go, Musynx fits the bill nicely. It's a pure arcade experience without any visual trappings and without the need to spend a few quarters every time you want to play another round of songs.
Musynx is a solid addition to music games on the Switch, with some infectious songs and slick presentation. While limited in other aspects and not too beginner-friendly, this is a game that veterans and those wishing to improve their music game library should try.
Chinese developer I-Inferno took well-known rhythmic gameplay and delivered nice game which does not stand out in any way.
Review in Polish |
If you are into basic music/rhythm games of the Guitar Hero ilk, this is an easy recommendation, especially if you’re keen on K-POP, J-POP and/or trance music. Those expecting more of a Western-tinged set list or craving more in-depth gameplay may want to give this a second thought however.
MUSYNX is a great rhythm game with a familiar gameplay and a big selection of great songs. Its main weakness is the lack of options, but the current game is a solid foundation to something that can be incredible in the future.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
undefined.With all that said, there isn't much to negatively impact my enjoyment of MUSYNX. The rough edges stand out mostly because the game can otherwise become an engrossing way to evaporate free time. Mileage may vary based on your ability to enjoy the game's music, but with its highly customizable difficulty and excellent representation of the tracks as note patterns, this game will welcome in anyone who can find themselves lost in the music.