The Council - Episode 5: Checkmate

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Critic Reviews for The Council - Episode 5: Checkmate
When The Council debuted with The Mad Ones in March 2018, there was limitless potential behind the episodic title.
That's it. The Council is over. I am now writing the last words about this godforsaken series ever. I think there are two parts of my life: pre- and post-Council. I am not the same man I was when I started playing these games. It's time for me to move on. Sayonara, The Council.
In some ways that's definitely still true, and with any luck we will see this series inspire other studios to go deeper. Sadly, those developers will also come away with a clear example of how not to close out a storyline.
The Council - Episode 5: Checkmate is the perfect ending to a nice story with an interesting characters, unexpected development of events and a sharp ending. Of course, this is not the best adventure of the year, but definitely one of the most exciting on the market.
Review in Russian | Read full review
The Council began strong, but for whatever reason as become weaker with more or less each entry. This finale feels like the death rattle of an interesting, albeit failed experiment.
Although not lacking in some weaknesses, principally due to sluggish editing and acting, Checkmate is a decent conclusion to the journey of Louis de Richet on the ominous island of Lord Mortimer. More fast-paced than the previous episodes, these last chapters are also more fascinating since the demonic realm is involved.
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While The Council's meager finale is indicative of its inability to meet the lofty expectations it set for itself early on, there's still a lot to like for fans of the genre. Your acceptance and enjoyment of the story's twists and shoddy lore will determine just how much you like it, though.
The Council's final episode fails to deliver a satisfying ending, nor a strong episode to a season that desperately needed it.