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Levelhead Trailers
Levelhead - Release Trailer
Levelhead Trailer - Design Levels and Gain a Following
Levelhead - Steam Early Access Launch Trailer
Critic Reviews for Levelhead
Ultimately Levelhead will live or die on the commitment of its community, but even without the creation aspect it would still be an enjoyable platformer. Smart design in every department - challenge, creation and curation - means that Levelhead is a surefire winner, and we only hope it catches on. After all, there's more to the 'maker' genre than just Super Mario.
Levelhead is an astounding creation from such a small studio. It's not just a toolset or portal for platforming levels, it's a community of creators all over the world supporting each other. It's not perfect, the single player is aggressively difficult and some aspects of sharing or finding levels leave a bit to be desired, but it's clear that this game is going to be supported by players and developers alike for a long time to come.
Levelhead is a brilliantly designed maker game. It has boundless options for your own creations and great levels to play through while learning the ins and outs of the gameplay.
On the bright side, the game does have full cross-compatibility with the PC version. With a pre-existing collection of thousands of levels with more coming in every day, anyone interested in simply playing levels will have a fully-featured experience. Sadly, creators will have to put up with some frustrating issues to get as much out of this game as they could've on another platform.
Some games progress day by day after release, and after several years, their current situation cannot be compared to their first day of supply. This is different in the title of Levelhead and we have to say that even the game on the first day was of very good quality, but over time and thanks to an unparalleled feature called building levels, the game added to its charm day by day, and now you are playing Levelhead to a world of different stages that gamers like you have designed and built with their own enthusiasm.
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Levelhead is one of the best platformers so far this year. If Butterscotch Shenanigans fixes some annoying issues that I had with the level editor then I'd consider it golden.
After playing for several hours with the team and on my own I have to say that this game will be a lot of fun to keep coming back to whenever I just wanna scratch that itch of platforming casually. For some though, I believe making some crazy Kaizo levels will be a strong past time.