Helldivers Reviews

Helldivers is ranked in the 89th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Mar 3, 2015

Although the gameplay and mission structure quickly becomes repetitive, Helldivers offers hours of entertaining co-op twin-stick action in a universe that's begging to be further developed.

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7 / 10.0
Mar 12, 2015

Despite all this, with the raucous chaos of multiplayer mode, Helldivers is still capable of being engrossing for long periods. This is aided by a simple levelling system, which allows you to upgrade your weapons and stratagems, and the ability to limitedly customise your character's appearance - both of which allow you to invest in the game. With a little more care given to the mission design and the story, Helldivers might well have been an exceptional game, but it falls far too short on both counts to make single-player interesting for any decent stretch of time. It's a game of two halves, engrossing in co-op but disappointing when played solo, immensely fun at its best but rather average when not.

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7 / 10.0
Apr 8, 2015

Helldivers is a fascinating experiment in community involvement mixed with a classic tactical shooter. It doesn't fire on all cylinders, but get a group of people together and Helldivers can be a hell of a time.

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Ray Carsillo
Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Mar 3, 2015

Helldivers' metagame campaign and variety of gameplay are more than enough to keep you entertained, but only players with a tight-knit group of co-op buddies will be able to get the most from the experience.

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Alan Bell
Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Mar 5, 2015

Travel the universe and meet hordes of interesting alien species, then shoot them repeatedly in the face - with friends.

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3.5 / 5.0
Mar 25, 2015

Helldivers is at first a fresh, rewarding, challenging experience that stands up to any other game in terms of quality. The tangible skill increase that comes from consistent practice is as gratifying as it gets in modern gaming, but sadly that novelty wears off once other flaws start to emerge.

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7.5 / 10.0
Mar 9, 2015

Thanks its many selling points, like its cheeky writing, brutal gunplay, and easily-accessible, unique multiplayer, Helldivers is well-worth your time if you're looking for something quick, casual, and brutal to be enjoyed in a group; for anything more substantial, look elsewhere.

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75 / 100
Mar 2, 2015

Helldivers is a fun romp through a tedious space system.

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76 / 100
Mar 28, 2015

Helldivers can be quite fun, and the experience is so fine-tuned that the issues it does have - like matchmaking and the occasional frame rate issues - stand out like sore thumbs.

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Chris Wray
Top Critic
7.6 / 10.0
Dec 15, 2015

Helldivers is an fast-paced, funny and, most importantly, fun game. It has the same strange sense of humour found in Arrowhead's previous titles and is one of the few games that makes multiplayer worthwile, even when dropping in with random teams.

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80 / 100
Mar 12, 2015

By showing how war games can make virtual fascists us of all, Helldivers takes its place as one of the sharpest critiques of videogame imperialism. Granted, it's not a particularly new observation, but the game delivers it with such bravado in both action and atmosphere that it warrants commendation. To enlist as a Helldiver for Super Earth admits culpability in a system that disguises tyranny as heroism. Helldivers measures its brutal difficulty against a dehumanizing military and political complex that results in humor and violence, both about as subtle and hard-hitting as a freight train. Such is the price of liberty, paid in full with a pile of shell casings and the sickening splat of another expendable soldier.

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8 / 10
Apr 4, 2015

Absolutely fantastic! Helldivers is one of the few games where everyone should actively persuade friends to purchase the game to play it together. It's a game that, at first glance, looks very shallow and repetitive but even after just completing a few stages, it will be realised that this just isn't the case. It really is twin stick shooter mechanic at its finest, and it's mountain of fun - even though it's a pretty visually subpar title.

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Digitally Downloaded
Nick H.
Top Critic
Mar 4, 2015

Helldivers offers plenty of challenges and a great excuse to play with others, and that is when the game is at its best. There is a nice campaign built around the carnage that offers a sense of accomplishment, too, that makes the difficulty worthwhile.

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Mar 6, 2015

Come on you apes! You wanna live forever?

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Dec 6, 2015

Helldivers is a fun, frantic and amazing deep dual stick shooter. Tackle it by yourself or several other players, there's no lack of things to do or challenge, especially on the higher difficulty missions. It's not the prettiest game out there but it makes up for looks with providing plenty of kick ass gun-play, satisfying weapon sounds and a touch and gritty environment that will chew you up and spit you out if you aren't smart about how you play.

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80 / 100
Mar 10, 2015

The real question is though, are you ready to save the universe? If not, you should probably leave Helldivers alone. It takes some real grit and courage to join the ranks of the Heroes of the Federation. Good luck, soldier.

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8 / 10
Mar 2, 2015

With friends, Helldivers provides a brilliant and addictive co-op experience full of thrills, spills, and hilarious accidental deaths. Gameplay is quick, satisfying, and often chaotic, and the stratagem system gives the action a unique identity. The only question mark here is the one that hangs over the title's community, which must be sustained if the shooter is to realise its impressive potential.

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8 / 10
Mar 3, 2015

Helldivers is the kind of game all co-op titles should strive to be. Not only does it offer a very rewarding top-down twin-stick shooter experience, but it's co-op goes beyond your own game. The experience is one all Helldivers will share together as well all work within a unified community in order to bring democracy to the galaxy. I for one will continue to play Helldivers well after its initial release to make sure the galaxy is rid of Bugs, Cyborgs, and Illuminates, or I'll die trying.

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8 / 10
Mar 3, 2015

With seamless online matchmaking and drop-in local multiplayer, Helldivers is the complete coop game. After being left disappointed many a time by previous local multiplayer games the PlayStation 4 has had to offer, Helldivers is a breath of fresh air providing short bursts of explosive action that's both strategic and enjoyable.

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Top Critic
Mar 2, 2015

A well designed, challenging and entertaining shooter that's best appreciated as a multiplayer game. More variety in mission types would help it feel less of a grind, however.

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