Iron Man VR Reviews

Iron Man VR is ranked in the 67th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10
Jul 7, 2020

Iron man VR offers a great combat mechanics and fun gameplay, however the technical limitations of PS VR prevented it from reaching its full potential.

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80 / 100
Jul 6, 2020

It's difficult to judge Marvel's Iron Man VR poorly when a team of developers is pushing the hardware to its very limits. Camouflaj's attempt to put players into the Iron Man suit is a valiant one that offers one of PlayStation VR's most exciting and most memorable experiences to date, even if the VR itself struggles to keep up.

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Chris Mc
Top Critic
5 / 10.0
Jul 2, 2020

It definitely has its moments, but the fun is spread so thinly that Iron Man VR soon wears out its welcome. Being Iron Man is fun for a few minutes, but it doesn’t last. The hero who kick-started the Marvel Cinematic Universe definitely deserves better.

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8.2 / 10.0
Jul 2, 2020

Marvel's Iron Man VR provides some of the most enjoyable action-packed missions ever available in a virtual reality game. You may have to lollygag around for a while before being able to actually play these missions but they're definitely worth the wait.

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7 / 10.0
Jul 10, 2020

Marvel’s Iron Man VR delivers on the main thing I love VR games for. Immersion. The game is incredibly immersive and let’s you feel what it would be like to live as a superhero zooming through the city. It truly let’s you feel what it would be like to be Iron Man, so in that regard the game is a resounding success. Plenty of video games these days have you playing as superheroes, but never until now have I felt like THE superhero. Even with a number of flaws and repetitive elements, it’s still a must play for anyone with a PSVR headset and an interest in superhero stories.

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Dec 15, 2022

Iron Man VR is a pinnacle of VR technology and a game that I would show to anyone who was interested in seeing what VR had to offer. It highlights just what makes VR special in a way that few other games have. It ranks up there with Half-Life: Alyx as one of the must-have titles for anyone with a VR headset.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 28, 2022

Iron Man VR is an achievement in fully realising a Marvel hero power fantasy and is a must-try experience for any interested Quest 2 owner.

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Dec 19, 2022

VR allows you to break the mold on what is possible in a video game, and Iron Man VR is a great example of this. Putting on the Iron Man suit, using your palms to fly around, shoot things and actually BE Iron Man is really an amazing experience.

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Jul 2, 2020

Overall, Iron Man VR will provide fans of the titular character with a unique and highly engaging experience. They can build their own suit, store another custom as a loadout, and take to the skies to shoot down villainous foes. Encounters with other Marvel characters and brands are fun for the hardcore lover of the brand but the game blasts off on all cylinders when it hurls gamers into action beats, often with creative beat the clock missions and different objectives to keep things fresh. For PSVR owners, it's a simple and safe choice to spend the $39.99 for this experience, but for those considering investing in picking up the PSVR towards the end of this console generation's shelf life, well, let's hope they really, really like Iron Man.

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5.5 / 10.0
Jul 19, 2020

There is just no way around it: Iron Man VR is a disappointment. While it feels great to fly around like Iron Man, the gameplay gets stale very quickly. On top of that, the load times are unbearable, which is a shame because the story is quite enjoyable.

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8 / 10
Jul 2, 2020

Marvel’s Iron Man VR is a truly unique experience that I can definitely recommend. This is not a flawless game, and the biggest problems arise from the technological limit of PSVR. We recommend the game for 8 points out of 10. The game will offer you both crazy action, but also the opportunity to look into Stark's villa and fool around as much as Tony Star can. Well, you just can't pull those girls out of the bar.

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8.6 / 10.0
Jul 6, 2020

Iron Man VR explores the depth of VR tech as fans of the Amoured Avenger can finally experience the thrill of flight (minus the nausea) and blast away at enemies in their very own Iron Man suit.

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Worth your time
Jul 20, 2020

In general it is frankly a very entertaining VR game with wonderful ideas that bring the red and gold suit as close to you as possible. The caveats of this experience though are found in its repetitiveness when it comes to the levels and often in some gameplay elements. If you are keen on being Tony Stark in your living room for a few hours then its worth your buck and time.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jul 13, 2020

Graphically Marvel’s Iron Man VR often disappoints, and the mission designs sometimes seems to be taken straight from the infamous Superman 64’s leftovers. Still, however, aerial combat in this game is so much fun that I quickly disregarded all of that and started humming the riff of Black Sabbath’s ‘Iron Man’ instead.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 7, 2020

Marvel's Iron Man VR is one of the best marriage of character and gameplay, and deserves to be played as soon as possible.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 20, 2020

When it comes to VR games, Marvel’s Iron Man VR is definitely among the more immersive experiences. While the action sequences could make up more of the bulk of the game, it compensates this with solid performances and a pretty good story. Load times may be plentiful, but the game makes up for it with an amazing sense of visual detail.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jul 8, 2020

’d have to say that Iron Man VR is certainly a VR game worth playing – after all, it’s fun, and you really do feel like Iron Man. Fans of Tony Stark and his creations should definitely not let this slip by, as it will certainly spark joy within them.

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Jul 7, 2020

Fans of the UCM and specifically, Tony Stark, will enjoy and appreciate being able to see themselves embedded in the metal armor. 100% recommended for them and not recommended for those looking for a deep story full of twists.

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80 / 100
Jul 2, 2020

While Iron Man VR is not the most spectacular or ground breaking VR title available, it does a great job of making you think and feel like you are Tony Stark. The world is big and beautiful and you can get lost in it so easily, that it is astonishing how limited the actual campaign actually is by comparison. It is also nice to see all of the classic characters make their warranted appearances throughout the experience - particularly the banter between two of Tony’s virtual assistants, Gunsmith and Friday. Naturally, it also helps how great everything looks, despite the massive lack of anti-aliasing. Overall, the game is great fun. While there is little reason to return to the game after completing the campaign, it is possible the title could become a household go-to for children and big fans of the character. Iron Man VR does an incredible job of driving home the fact that you can be Iron Man, and that is the only thing that counts in this PlayStation VR experience.

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7 / 10.0
Jul 8, 2020

This is very good release in the field of VR gaming and its only enemies are the limits set by the technology and the capabilities of the platform.

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