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404 games reviewed
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Nintendojo's Reviews

Limits, unfortunately, are ultimately what keep this game from greatness.

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Oct 22, 2018

Shadow Fight 2 is a game with quite a bit to like, a fact that seems to only exacerbate its disappointments.

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Overall, Regalia is a deep game with a lot to do, but it's also a game that is hard, especially as players learn the ropes early on.

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Some might admire the fact that Sigi doesn't linger, but with a difficulty level that stays low and doesn't ramp up until the very last boss fight, there just won't be enough here for most players to justify a purchase.

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If you like early 2000s 3D third person platformers, this is worth a look, but be aware that it isn’t as modern as the current promotional material might make it out to be.

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Nov 9, 2017

Poi does nothing to move its genre forward and even though its wanting for polish in many areas, its faults are small enough that they will likely prove little more than minor annoyances for those looking to kill some time after they complete Mario's latest.

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Aug 30, 2017

This is by no means a bad game, but unlike the best Kirby titles where a lack of difficulty doesn't come at the cost of creative game design, Hey! Pikmin feels like it scales back to the detriment of the core experience itself.

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Jul 10, 2019

Mainlining deserves credit for presenting an original and interesting take on a familiar genre.

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Apr 10, 2018

Players who enjoy bite-sized puzzlers (with a bit of challenge to boot) and the ability to create their own levels might find this worth trying out. If you're looking for something deeper, though, be mindful that, in this case, you're not going to get much more than you're paying for.

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Oct 16, 2017

A game that many gamers would likely be able to find some enjoyment in, but only a certain type of player will likely be able to look past it's handful of faults, unapologetic difficulty, and esoteric aesthetic to fully enjoy it.

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Oct 23, 2015

It's fun in spurts, but overall a disappointment that hopefully doesn't consign this series to years in limbo.

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Feb 23, 2016

Had Square not played it so safe, Explorers would be a much better game than it is; as it stands, I'd definitely recommend this one for those who feel the Monster Hunter series is a bit too inaccessible and/or those who love Final Fantasy, but for everyone else, they might be safe to pass on this one in favor of greener pastures elsewhere.

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Nov 25, 2015

It's hilarious to me that this version of the game feels the most natural, when it's treated as nothing more than bonus material! The Wii iteration of Rodea comes packed with the first run copies of the game, and Naka himself actually announced on Twitter that he'd like fans to play it, specifically. Was that a subtle indictment of the other two versions of Rodea? Hopefully not, especially because (as you've seen in my reviews of both games) neither is terrible by any stretch of the imagination. That said, playing Rodea on Wii it becomes clear that the system was the true destination for the game. The controls here feel the most natural (though still, sadly, imperfect), taking full advantage of the Wii Remote's excellent motion-sensing capabilities. The Wii version of Rodea feels more unique than either of the other takes, and though it's nowhere near as pretty to look at as the Wii U iteration, it's also packing a respectable presentation. Why the motion controls couldn't have at least been an option for the Wii U Rodea is confusing, and I walked away wishing Naka and company would have given that proposition some more thought before moving forward with the control scheme they ultimately settled upon. I'm pleased that all three Rodea games are available to experience, however, and this bonus disc should act as some compelling frosting for those who choose to buy the game for Wii U.

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C - Redout
Jun 6, 2019

A slick looking racer that’s maybe a little too slick in the corners.

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Apr 19, 2018

Overall, Wulverblade is a pretty interesting game with classic action and a heavy helping of history, but it's also a game that is primarily for hardcore brawler fans who enjoy the pain of control issues and merciless gameplay. If that's not your cup of tea, you may want to look elsewhere.

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Sep 9, 2015

An enjoyable game with some great ideas, unfortunately marred by some unforgivable glitches and gameplay physics that don't give it that final polish needed to keep up with the big boys.

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May 5, 2015

All of these factors leave High Strangeness in a place that I find, quite appropriately, strange. Nothing about the game feels incomplete but many aspects of it feel like they weren't fully realized. The game starts off with plenty of compelling story and gameplay ideas, but halfway through the game it feels like the developers stopped developing these ideas and then created a flat line to the end. I don't want to make the second half of the game sound bad, because it really isn't, but I can't deny that it isn't really isn't all that good either.

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Mar 26, 2024

From my overall experience playing Highwater, it’s a game with good visuals, music, and world-building, but suffers from jarring transitions and rough story pacing as the game progresses. The most fun to be had in Highwater would have to be the challenge and creativity of its combat mechanics— interacting with the environment can lead to satisfying and sometimes hilarious ways to defeat enemies.

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If not for the mishandling of Arkham Knight, I would be much more inclined to recommend Arkham Trilogy. Arkham Asylum, Arkham City, and Arkham Knight are three of the best action games to have been made in the last 20 years. Their mix of atmospheric settings, talented voice performances, and kinetic, thoughtful combat combine for some of the most memorable software Rocksteady has ever produced. Sadly, with an entire third of this compilation in such a shoddy state, I have no other choice but to mark Arkham Trilogy as a mild recommend. For many, the state of Arkham Knight might prove to be an insurmountable deal breaker. If you can look past it, or struggle through the game in its rough state, there’s still a lot to love in Arkham Trilogy.

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Jan 23, 2024

Usually, when we say a game is “fun,” we mean it is fun for the player to play. Born of Bread is a game that is fun in that sense. It is cute, colorful, quirky, punny, and witty. The developers clearly enjoyed themselves while making it. Characters make funny faces and have fun designs. It’s a silly game in the best sense. I likely would have enjoyed it as a kid. But when it has to stand against my adult criticisms, I unfortunately find it lacking.

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