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897 games reviewed
76.7 average score
80 median score
52.3% of games recommended

GameCrate's Reviews

5.5 / 10.0 - The Perils of Man
May 7, 2015

Sadly, because of the lackluster characters in Perils of Man, the game cracks under the weight of its own storytelling. What we're left with is aimlessly poking around in a room trying to find which two things go together and which inventory item will solve the puzzle to progress the game forward. When you strip away rich story from point-and-click games, you're really not left with much else. Like baking, each ingredient must be precisely mixed, or else you just end up with a really in-depth clicking simulator.

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With a little more elbow grease and a lot more consideration for the hardware at hand, State of Decay: Survival Edition could've found a strong second life on the Xbox One. Instead, it feels like it was rushed in several corners, and despite its stacked content, it doesn't quite live up to its potential. It's worth a look if you're into alternate zombie-battling games, but it's not nearly the solid State it could've been.

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6.8 / 10.0 - Project Root
Apr 30, 2015

Had Project Root thrown in a better checkpoint system and a far more rockin' soundtrack, it could be considered one of the better retro-inspired shooters on the market. As it stands, only a certain few will be able to appreciate it with its high difficulty settings. Those that do, however, should be satisfied with getting to the Root of the problem.

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Apr 26, 2015

As someone who has admittedly grown a bit tired with the Assassin's Creed series, I found Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China to be an invigorating breath of fresh air. The minor quibbles I had while playing it weren't enough to ruin what is, to me, an expertly-crafted side-scrolling adventure.

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7.5 / 10.0 - We Are Doomed
Apr 23, 2015

While We Are Doomed can't quite break the upper echelon of great shooters, it's certainly something that shouldn't be overlooked. Its old-school vibe is irresistible, and the gameplay, while limited, has its explosive moments. If you've got $10 to burn and love shooters, you owe it to yourself to get Doomed.

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5 / 10.0 - Infinity Runner
Apr 22, 2015

Had the development team at Wales really tried to make Infinity Runner stand out with more diverse level design and better freedom of control, it could've really been something. Instead, it drags its feet just when the game is getting up to speed, and literally trips over itself in the hopes of achieving speedy greatness. Unless you need to see where this bizarre tale truly goes, just skip it.

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8.8 / 10.0 - Mortal Kombat X
Apr 15, 2015

Mortal Kombat X is a feature-packed experience that sets the bar high for content in fighters this gen. While it doesn't eclipse the previous Mortal Kombat's amount of content, it does surpass all of its other competitors.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Tower of Guns
Apr 15, 2015

While Tower of Guns doesn't quite have the substance to be the Doom for this generation, it's still an effective throwback to a simpler time for shooters, and a game that fanatics of the genre shouldn't miss. Plus, it's challenging as heck, and some of the weapons featured in the game are a blast to use. Gotta love that shotgun glove…

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Life is Strange: Out of Time successfully converts the momentum of the first episode into an emotional and moral roller coaster that will have you pondering your choices for hours.

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If you've already played one or both of the titles included in The Handsome Collection this package might not be for you, unless the chance to play split-screen is too tempting to pass up. If you've never given the Borderlands series a try and are eager to test it out, The Handsome Collection is a great way to dive in.

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7.7 / 10.0 - R.B.I. Baseball 15
Apr 9, 2015

Some more work is needed before it becomes a must-play classic, but, for now, baseball fans – especially those who only have an Xbox One – should be pleased by the results. Play ball!

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6.3 / 10.0 - Paperbound
Apr 6, 2015

When it comes to Smash Bros. clones, Paperbound is, well, paper thin. That's not to say the game isn't fun, because if you get the right group together, it can be. The brawling tactics are good, though not great, and the change-up in certain stages can make for some interesting scenarios. But it all feels a bit one-note, especially when it comes to the presentation and lack of variety. It's worth a try considering its low price, but don't go into this expecting the next great party game.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Boxboy
Apr 6, 2015

While Boxboy may not be your top pick for platforming action on-the-go, it's worth a try, especially considering its affordable $4.99 price. Its unique, yet easygoing, presentation does fairly well with the hardware at hand, and the gameplay offers a few good challenges here and there. This is a good one to get, ahem, "boxed in" with when you're on the road.

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Apr 3, 2015

Ori and the Blind Forest is a spectacular Metrovania-style platforming game that pays homage to its genre and elevates it at the same time. Everything about this game is top-notch, from the moving narrative, to the exceptional controls, to the gorgeous graphics. As Moon Studios' debut game, they've knocked it out of the park.

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8.3 / 10.0 - Bloodborne
Apr 2, 2015

Bloodborne is going to be a hard game for some players to accept, due to its diabolical difficulty settings and small hitches with presentation and multiplayer. If you can get past these, however, you'll find a welcome challenge courtesy of From Software's team, one with vivid visuals, exciting gameplay, and plenty of additions that make it well worth hacking away with. Action games have hardly felt this diabolical – but with this developer at the helm, that's a good thing.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Axiom Verge
Apr 1, 2015

Axiom Verge is just the kind of retro-fitted kick in the pants that PlayStation 4 owners needed. While the story and map could've used a little ironing over, the game delivers excitement aplenty, especially with some of the bigger bosses. The diversity of weapons and tools you'll run across will keep you busy as well. Kudos to Tom Happ (with some help from Dan Adelman) for bringing us back some retro goodness for our new system. Now, sequel please. (Or at the very least, that PS Vita port we were promised…)

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7.3 / 10.0 - Story of Seasons
Mar 31, 2015

I played a lot of Animal Crossing last year, in the process rekindling my love for life sims. Playing Story of Seasons was a much different experience because it's more fast-paced and goal-oriented. It's not too unlike past Harvest Moon games, but it's a worthwhile entry nonetheless. There's a lovely little game to uncover here, though it'll likely take you a couple dozen hours to really get things going. That said, the time investment is certainly worth it, because at the end of the day, you're left with a fine farming sim that's totally rewarding.

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8.4 / 10.0 - Jamestown+
Mar 26, 2015

It's about time someone came forth with a good "shmup" for this generation of consoles. Final Form Games takes everything good from the original Jamestown and ups the ante with more content and modes, including co-op support that's way more fun than it has every right being. If you're up for a challenge, or just want something different out of your shooters, make your residence in Jamestown.

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Episode 4 ends the experience on a good note and having seen the conclusion; I would say that Resident Evil: Revelations 2 is another successful entry in this side series. It excels in replay value and overall fun value, and the unlockables and the Raid mode pushes the value over the edge.

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Mar 25, 2015

Fans who contributed money hoping Pillars of Eternity would feel like a return to the era of Baldur's Gate-style RPGs will not be disappointed. Gamers who never played those Black Isle games may be frustrated by some of the "classic" gameplay elements, but Pillars offers a lot to like for those who want tactics and story in their RPGs.

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