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Hardcore Gamer

2960 games reviewed
74.1 average score
80 median score
57.2% of games recommended

Hardcore Gamer's Reviews

DariusBurst Chronicle Saviors is a massive shooter with seemingly endless gameplay in its multiple sections.

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Minecraft: Story Mode – Episode 3 is a mixture of humor and emotion, but never loses itself as being an addition to the original game.

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Dec 4, 2015

Whether you can enjoy Chivalry: Medieval Warfare depends on how low you are willing to lower your expectations for what a current-gen console game should look and feel like.

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Dec 2, 2015

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4 / 5.0 - Just Cause 3
Nov 30, 2015

The adjective "ridiculous" has been used several times in this review as it's the most apt available. Just Cause 3 is a ridiculous, over-the-top experience that wants so hard for you to blow it up. Playing around its 400 square miles, it's almost as if the game can be heard yelling "OH MAN, THAT WAS SICK" in the background. It's hard not to feel like a complete badass as you fly around the island dropping grenades and vaulting enemies into the air; in fact, you basically have super powers.

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Nov 30, 2015

Xenoblade Chronicles X is epic in scope. Most of the time, it's better for it; other times, it's clear that the developers didn't have a golden thread sewing together all of its various parts.

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Nov 29, 2015

Fans of Warhammer-related products and turn-based game aficionados will enjoy City of the Damned. It isn't a casual experience and mastering the many systems — as well as the flexible combat — will take dedication and time. It needs a little more technical polish and a much smoother learning curve to be considered for real mass-market appeal, but Mordheim: City of the Damned is a rewarding game for the right player.

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2.5 / 5.0 - Deadpool
Nov 25, 2015

Having missed this title the first time around, there was no small amount of glee at the prospect of jumping in with the gussied up version. It is with profound sadness that it must be reported that this is a barebones port of an already middling game.

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3 / 5.0 - Knight Squad
Nov 25, 2015

Judging a primarily multiplayer title always comes with a caveat. Chainsawesome has developed a game of excellent fundamentals that, under ideal conditions, could provide endless hours of fast-paced, chaotic fun. The lack of meaningful content for the single player is not a major issue – this is not a title meant for gaming's recluses. With already shaky matchmaking, and the chances of regularly rounding up four or five spare Xbox controllers (let alone willing playmates) in the same living room rather slim, however, some of Knight Squad's potential is sadly squandered.

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Nov 24, 2015

Telltale's original story pales in comparison to the source material and it's not an especially satisfying adventure game, either. Your choices matter about as much as the points in Whose Line Is It Anyway? and the game's action scenes barely register whether or not you're even holding the controller. Even if you're a fan of the books or HBO show, there's not much incentive to play Telltale's Game of Thrones.

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4 / 5.0 - Gems of War
Nov 24, 2015

The Match-3 genre is one of the stalwarts of the casual game space, but all that means is that there are plenty of bad products trying to grab the attention of unwary gamers. With its depth of gameplay systems and huge amount of single and multiplayer content, Gems of War is one of the best across all platforms and one of the few high-quality casual games on current gen consoles.

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Nov 23, 2015

Sword Art Online: Lost Song has so much going for it. The battle and flight systems are top-notch entertaining time sinks, the artistic style is nothing short of gorgeous and being able to hang out with characters from the show, with dialogue written by the creator, is an engrossing experience. The issue lies in how Bandai Namco did not take full advantage of the talent available to them. This title is simply hamstrung by a lack of investment. The decision was made, for better or worse, to not create an experience that lives up to its true potential, instead recycling assets and hoping for the best. The end result is a title for series fans only. Those who are not invested in the universe already would be better off moving along.

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4 / 5.0 - Hard West
Nov 23, 2015

If everything about Hard West was as great as its combat and strategic layer, it would easily sit near the top of a list of memorable Old West-themed games. Take away the cowboy costumes and it's still an excellent turn-based game with some clever mechanics to mess with. A kind of bland overworld game experience combined with a hokey story arc bring Hard West down just a couple of notches. Still, it's a Western, and a great turn based strategy game, and we need more of both.

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Nov 23, 2015

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters is a solid add-on to an already outstanding game. While it fails to try anything new and is relatively short, the bosses make this something worthy of trekking through, especially for existing fans. There's a bevy of weapons to add to your arsenal, additional lore to accumulate in your journal and luscious environments to keep your interest. It's a shame the majority of the new areas are rather straightforward and the standard enemies don't really offer much of a challenge, but there's something about figuring out the strategies of each boss and exploring every nook and cranny of the world that will leave you satisfied. There's a masochist in everyone and Bloodborne: The Old Hunters helps bring it out in people.

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2.5 / 5.0 - Typoman
Nov 22, 2015

As unique as Typoman is, seeing the scale of its missed opportunity unfold only saddens me evermore.

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3.5 / 5.0 - Kromaia Omega
Nov 22, 2015

Kromaia Omega is a giant hyper-saturated burst of color, speed and heavy firepower, as stylish as it can be difficult, and it's impossible not to forgive a few questionable design elements when the enemies are swarming and the action takes off.

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3.5 / 5.0 - Valhalla Hills
Nov 22, 2015

It's hard not to be enchanted by Valhalla Hills and its beauty is more than skin deep: there are some relatively complex and robust systems and challenges underneath its charming presentation. Lacking a real story-driven campaign, multiplayer support or even a map editor, however, it falls short in both breadth of content and long-term sustainability. What's there is fun, and DLC is on the horizon, but the package is on the light side.

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3.5 / 5.0 - Last Horizon
Nov 21, 2015

Last Horizon is a beautifully minimalist game of exploration and survival amidst the planets. It's simple enough to be easily pick-up-and-play, but with enough challenge that a brief run still feels satisfying. The drifting universe and ambient soundtrack are properly relaxing, while trying to land on a planet for desperately-needed fuel while it slowly rotates beneath you and you try not to drift into the ocean or a mountain makes for a nicely tense moment of piloting. Unfortunately, bugs hold it back from its full potential at point in time. The void is filled with asteroids and other cosmic hazards, aliens wander between planets, the sun is not only burning hot, but in possession of a worryingly strong gravity well, and stray comets briefly light up the sky. The quest to find and create a new homeworld has plenty of room for disaster to strike, but it's also a lovely journey through a vibrant night sky.

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It's been a full four months since Episode Five ended on a massive decision that left players reeling. Given Telltale's past work on the series, it was hard to imagine that Episode Six would actually do right by that decision and manage to wrap the season up in a remotely satisfying way. Sure enough, huge chunks of Episode Six are just as middling as everything else in the season, and on a technical level, it's even worse. Still, there's bright spots throughout the episode, especially with Mira's storyline, that prove enjoyable enough that players who have made it this far should finish it out.

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Nov 19, 2015

It's shocking how little content there is in Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash. As much as we'd love to explore the title further, the rabbit hole doesn't go any deeper.

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