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804 games reviewed
71.6 average score
70 median score
51.7% of games recommended

TrueAchievements's Reviews

Feb 14, 2019

It survived the purge where Fable Legends and Scalebound did not, but even in its best moments, Crackdown 3's campaign feels like it was born too late.

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Feb 14, 2019

Fans of the series have been waiting for this game for a long time, and Kingdom Hearts III will not disappoint them.

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Feb 14, 2019

Neither the premise nor the execution of the setting and story ever justify the project, but for fans who haven't tired of the series' formula yet, you can't really go wrong with more of the same when it's well done. It's mechanically tight and often engaging while it lasts.

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Feb 13, 2019

Exodus is an overall excellent experience that succeeds at nearly everything it attempts to achieve.

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Feb 9, 2019

Respawn has created a team-focused game that plays wonderfully, with each gun balanced to feel powerful in its own way.

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Away: Journey to the Unexpected tries to do a lot at once, which is a tall task for a game mostly built by just a pair of people. Ultimately, its strange direction lends to the charm of it all, but it's also clear the game is lacking in a few key areas — namely, shoddy combat and inconsistent level randomization. Still, it was billed as a "feel-good" indie and I'd have to agree. Despite its faults, I'm happy to have played this weird game.

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Feb 5, 2019

It would need combat that is fluid and challenging. And it would probably need lovely visuals that make it all a joy to look at. I don't know if perfection is a rational goal, but I can say that Unruly Heroes has come as close to platforming perfection as any game should be expected to and it'd be a mistake to miss it.

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Aside from the pacing, the episode is let down by a variety of technical issues which add a layer of frustration and detract from the experience. Fortunately we can see that the pace of Episode 3 is likely to pick up, and hopefully that finally reaches the potential this story is promising.

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Sundered is a game that is able to constantly give players that “one more time” feeling by providing multiple ways to overcome its many hurdles.

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Jan 30, 2019

As a game, there is no getting away from the fact that this is just an extremely basic arcade racer which pales alongside some of the bigger and better-known racing franchises. But as a way of delivering new and episodic game content, and merging TV and video games, it is quite innovative and really works.

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Onimusha isn’t a 2019 classic, but it has earned its place as a 2001 classic that’s still more than worth playing today if you’re in the market for good games from bygone eras.

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Telltale's final season was presumed dead a few months ago, but just like the titular zombies, The Walking Dead: The Final Season has risen from the grave to live again. It's a good thing too, because "Broken Toys" is the best episode of the season by far.

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Jan 15, 2019

Absolver had a chance to be something new and fresh. Its combat system is unlike anything else and comes packed with plenty of depth and skill that could get fighting fans pretty excited. The problem is the rest of the game.

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The pairing of Blood Money and Absolution ends up being a flawed but interesting Hitman history lesson. It's as though each game's deficiencies are the other game's strengths.

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Tales of Vesperia is a title fans will be happy to revisit.

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Dec 30, 2018

Asterix and Obelix XXL 2 was likely no one's first choice for a remaster, leaving only the original fans to return and enjoy it again.

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I love the genre, but I couldn't recommend this title to anyone.

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Dec 22, 2018

If you're into resource gathering, crafting and exploring, then Subnautica is simply a title that you have to play.

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Fans of the originals will find almost nothing to dislike, and I can see Spyro delighting a new generation of players with the quality of this collection.

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Dec 20, 2018

Ashen is a soulslike, but to call it a clone would be a betrayal of the awesome job A44 have with their debut project.

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