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1197 games reviewed
77.2 average score
80 median score
82.3% of games recommended

NoobFeed's Reviews

87 / 100 - 10 Second Ninja
Mar 22, 2014

Why hours of failure is worth enduring for the sweet taste of victory, if only for a second. There may be a few skill hurdles to overcome at first, but once you best them, 10 Second Ninja is nothing short of sublime.

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45 / 100 - 1954: Alcatraz
Mar 21, 2014

Unfortunately, the thematic music and the inclusion of a filter that makes the game look like a 50s movie just isn’t enough to save 1954: Alcatraz.

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Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God is a cute and colourful JRPG rogue-like, with some frustrating flaws. If you’re looking for a cute JRPG on Vita then Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God might temporarily cure that hunger, but there are better alternatives available.

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72 / 100 - Dark Souls II
Mar 11, 2014

With its foul intentions clear, Dark Souls 2 is a behemoth either way. It’s the best worst game ever created. Designed to be flawed, unforgivable beyond redemption and yet it’s robust enough to withstand any criticism.

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For fans of the Fables graphic novels, or of Telltales previous work, The Wolf Among Us is a must play, and Smoke and Mirrors will confirm you've made a solid choice.

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70 / 100 - Gigantic Army
Feb 19, 2014

GIGANTIC ARMY is a nice option for gamers looking for a challenge and wanting to revive the good old days. If you like enormous enemies and countless hordes of organic-looking machines, download GIGANTIC ARMYand save humanity...if you can.

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Feb 14, 2014

It may have all the right tools and the gorgeous scenery to go with it, but Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 is like a beautiful person with a horrible attitude.

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80 / 100 - Loadout
Feb 14, 2014

Loadout is really fun and easy to play shooter; it has lots of content, especially for being so simple at its core. Admittedly, there’s not much to do once you’ve unlocked enough weapon upgrades, but it shows true potential.

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60 / 100 - Broken Age
Jan 31, 2014

In the end, while Broken Age does provide a lot of polish and quality, the lack of actual content makes it a huge disappointment, even more so coming from someone that has been in the industry longer than I’ve lived.

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85 / 100 - Torchlight II
Jan 31, 2014

Torchlight II is an addictive Action RPG that masters the ancient videogame art of looting, improving its predecessor formula in every way. Where it does excel and differentiate itself is in its colorful environments, heavily contrasting with other similar titles that tend to go for a much darker dungeon crawler approach.

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Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse is the first of the two-part adventure, and its story cooks just right for players longing for more. The story suddenly ends just when you think there is enough evidence and theories for a possible conclusion.

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85 / 100 - Blackguards
Jan 25, 2014

Daedalic Entertainment have outdone themselves and Blackguards is one of the best adaptations of a pen and paper RPG that I have ever seen, transforming the original into an amazing digital version that still retains the heart and soul of a pen and paper, whilst getting rid of the inconveniences such a game implies.

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90 / 100 - The Banner Saga
Jan 14, 2014

With an authentically illustrated ambience of harsh winters and closely followed characters, its story seen through tough conversations becomes that much more captivating. Offering simple yet fully symbiotic combat options as an active counterpart to text, this game leaves little to be desired, except the will to survive.

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25 / 100 - Gomo
Jan 10, 2014

If you are into Tim Burton-esque animation and point-and-click games, and have an hour or so to kill, then you might find good companion in Gomo; if you don’t, look for another game.

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50 / 100 - Speedball 2 HD
Dec 22, 2013

It’s a sad reality, but the time for Speedball 2 HD stays where it once originated, many years ago. This sort of thing is acceptable on a Megadrive, but archaic sports structures don’t make for well-oiled games in the present.

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64 / 100 - Wooden Sen'SeY
Dec 18, 2013

Wooden Sen’Sey is Upper Byte’s first effort which clearly came out at the wrong time. The aforementioned consistency issues, coupled with the fact that it just emulates concepts already present in a large number of platformers that came out beforehand, without having anything at all to be regarded as its own.

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70 / 100 - The Novelist
Dec 13, 2013

Those that are blessed with the right means won’t need to fear any interjection. Those can enjoy this one-of-a-kind simulation thoroughly, but that’s not a privilege everyone shares. It is, still, the cutest, faulty little story about making a house a home.

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80 / 100 - SteamWorld Dig
Dec 5, 2013

At just a day’s worth of entertainment, SteamWorld Dig feels light. Yet, that time will be spent in glee, as its spaced out gameplay elements drive the action down into the digging depths, searching and uncovering more and more, to play in more varied ways.

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86 / 100 - The Swapper
Nov 25, 2013

Clay, consciousness, space. The Swapper is a homogenous mixture of elements that fit together just well. When you look back at it, it’s hard to find too many things that are objectively broken.

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Nov 17, 2013

What a troubled child Deadfall Adventures really is. Like the black sheep of the family, it tries so hard to give its first-person shooter peers a larger scope with puzzles, mysteries and other interesting ideas in a capable presentation.

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