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Explosion Network

313 games reviewed
73.5 average score
75 median score
47.0% of games recommended

Explosion Network's Reviews

3.5 / 10.0 - Ikai
Apr 11, 2022

I couldn't help but keep finding elements and ideas I wished could have been built upon in a better game, which kept my attention enough and gave me a reason to see the story to the finish. Still, there's nothing scary here, and it's just frustrating, tedious, and a major letdown.

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8 / 10.0 - Weird West
Apr 1, 2022

The opportunities within Weird West do feel endless at times due to the emergent gameplay, story beats and the way you are endlessly rewarded for exploration. Capped off by some excellent presentation, atmosphere and fascinating story, Weird West's detracting factors are only minor marks on an overall great experience.

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2.5 / 10.0 - In Nightmare
Mar 30, 2022

If I'm being honest, I was glad it ate my save file and gave me a legit reason not to play it anymore.

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7.5 / 10.0 - ANNO: Mutationem
Mar 26, 2022

I'd love a sequel to this from ThinkingStars that irons out some of the issues and continues to expand the world they've set up here. ANNO: Mutationem is a unique game that I appreciate for all its ideas and attempts to do something so large in scope.

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6 / 10.0 - Ghostwire: Tokyo
Mar 25, 2022

Ghostwire: Tokyo is an odd collection of ideas from a studio that is obviously trying to break out of just doing horror. Some of it works, some of it doesn't, and the game feels unique and like playing a PS3 open-world game simultaneously.

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Mar 19, 2022

The performances are riding on ridiculous but make the game lively and enjoyable. It's a somewhat entertaining but forgettable couple of hours that could be made more accessible with the options to speed up dialogue.

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Mar 13, 2022

It may not do anything particularly unique, but its bite-sized ocean world to explore feels relaxing, not threatening, and I appreciate that fact.

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Mar 10, 2022

There are a lot of interesting ideas at play in Aztech Forgotten Gods, even if they have not all coalesced in a way that knocks it out of the park. Still, there are joys to be had when flying around an interestingly designed world and colossal bosses in a way that their size can be fully realised.

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8 / 10.0 - Gran Turismo 7
Mar 10, 2022

Gran Turismo is still the premiere racing simulator that fans will love, and it's been so long since a proper GT game, the car enthusiast PlayStation fans will be more than happy to see GT come home.

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Mar 10, 2022

Instead of honing in on what made their world so exciting to explore in 2017, they've made it prettier but sacrificed the narrative, which takes a deep dive into ridiculous and uninteresting in the last third.

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Mar 6, 2022

Overall, an enjoyable RPG with a little bloat, allowing you to progress at your own pace as you quell rebellions across the Roman Empire.

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9 / 10.0 - Shadow Warrior 3
Mar 1, 2022

Lo Wang's return is a joy to play, with all the systems combining seamlessly. Movement, weapons and well-designed arenas are the centre marks for this experience, an experience that would be enjoyed best over a day or a weekend.

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2 / 10.0 - Martha is Dead
Feb 25, 2022

There's a much better game here if it focused on the photography mechanics, trauma exploration and ghost stories. Instead, it’s a game bogged down in many different directions. I don't think this game, much like developer LKA's last game, Town of Light, handles mental health in the best way, but there's a somewhat interesting story here. It's just so boring to get through.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Never Alone
Feb 23, 2022

While the game has its negatives, I have enjoyed it, and I hope others will too. My experience was mostly positive, and it was definitively easier with a second person on the controls.

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7 / 10.0 - What the Dub?!
Feb 15, 2022

It doesn't have the variety of a Jackbox, but it doesn't have the same price tag either, and I'd love to see this concept expanded.

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4 / 10.0 - In My Shadow
Feb 12, 2022

At first, the game was fun, but the frustrations and lack of polish showed through early.

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Feb 11, 2022

Pokémon Legends: Arceus is a game that many of us Pokémon fans have wanted for a long time, and although it isn't perfect, it is a step in the right direction.

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9 / 10.0 - Sifu
Feb 6, 2022

If you're able to practice your martial arts, breathe in and have patience and persistence, you'll find a deep combat system, rewarding fights, and moments that make you feel like a flawless kung fu master.

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8.5 / 10.0 - OlliOlli World
Feb 4, 2022

OlliOlli World is an additive skater, and the "just one more" loop at attempting to best some of the games more complex challenges will be sure to hook old and new fans of the series.

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For what's here, they are fantastic games that look and play even better than before; it's just a pity there isn't something more here to make the package feel like more than a timed release for the upcoming movie.

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