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A wonderful throwback to the Igarashi-directed Castlevania titles that is only held back by questionable performance.
It looks gorgeous enough, but will you ever warm up to the combat in this rogue-lite dungeon crawler?
In a summer of tactics titans, does this complex strategy title hit the mark?
Overall, Chroma Squad is a decent enough turn-based strategy game, bogged down with unnecessary features and slow pacing that do nothing more than nearly destroy its charms.
Citizens of Space wraps many innovative features together into a mechanically engaging and entertaining RPG, that falls short in creating dramatic tension.
Does this sequel to the lovable builder/JRPG hybrid – Dragon Quest Builders – go above the accolades of its predecessor, or does it fall just short of that feat? Let’s find out!
Isometric RPG fanatics, rejoice! First-time players, maybe do a bit of research! Lovers of good Switch ports? Wait for a patch!
I’m a hungry, hungry God Eater. But does this giant monster-brawling, action RPG deliver a hearty experience, or will it leave your stomach grumbling…?
Sally forth into this sequel to the cult classic, ActRaiser. Wait, it’s not ActRaiser 2…?
Nordic strategy and crippling depression combine to make Dead in Vinland a compelling and frustrating experience.
Grab your shovel and get ready to dig. No, not until you hit bedrock, until you have the materials for quest completion.
The modern twists, such as freedom of choice, an open world map, and near limitless side quests, separates Artifact Adventure Gaiden DX from its inspiration.
Siralim 3’s greatness is in its ability to build simple upon simple, ending up with something truly unique and far, far from where this original concept started.
What if Retro City Rumble and Shakedown: Hawaii were merged with Rogue? The answer is one of the more unique roguelikes on Switch, and boy, is it fun.
Rick May stumble out of the gate early on, but these attributes give Fox N Forests an identity of its own, allowing Bonus Level’s debut to stand toe-to-toe with its nostalgic contemporaries.
Is this real life…? We explore the dreamscape with one of the most experimental combat systems in the genre. Will this game bring you sweet dreams, or beautiful nightmares?
Blade II isn’t the best, but it does offer some worthwhile charms.
Super Neptunia RPG feels like the junk food of its genre, something easy and inoffensive to eat, but offering no real substance and resulting in something like regret. It’s unfortunate to say, because it’s not terrible, just bland and dissatisfying enough to leave it sitting beneath more compelling and accessible titles in the Switch library.
The enhancements fitted to Atelier Lulua easily make it the most approachable game in the subseries, despite it not being completely free of faults.
If you are willing to go the distance and sink some time into a very unique experience, there truly is nothing else like Golem Gates out there- for better or for worse. One thing is for sure though, if you take the dive on this title, you’ll be invited to partake in an extensive package that will either excite or exhaust you.