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4064 games reviewed
75.0 average score
78 median score
49.3% of games recommended

COGconnected's Reviews

Apr 28, 2015

In the end, Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China takes a bold new step for the franchise. While I did have fun, I spent most of the game frustrated by buggy controls and A.I. that seemed to forget what its limitations were.

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Apr 28, 2015

The Charnel House Trilogy sets up an intriguing mystery but doesn't quite complete it. While some issues hold the game back somewhat, there is no question this was an enjoyable five to six hour diversion akin to reading a good story.

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84 / 100 - JumpJet Rex
Apr 28, 2015

Overall this is a really great indie title for anyone interested in speedrunning or a game they can jump in and out of quickly. It's hard to not hate dinosaurs in space, especially when they have jetboots strapped on and are trying to save an entire planet from destruction; JumpJet Rex is no exception.

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Apr 26, 2015

Stealth Inc 2 might seem like a standard *shudder* Metroidvania experience on the surface, but it actually offers a unique and very entertaining experience. It looks great, it feels great, and it's legitimately fun to play.

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75 / 100 - Slow Down, Bull
Apr 26, 2015

If the exploit I found hadn't been so game breaking, I'd have rated Slow Down, Bull higher. It's a very decent game for the price, and I'm happy to see more titles like this coming from well-known studios.

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80 / 100 - Titan Souls
Apr 24, 2015

Titan Souls was a tough and a well-fought battle that I enjoyed from beginning to end. Even though it had me raging at times, the thrill of taking down the Titans one by one gave me an immense feeling of satisfaction. While it is a relatively short experience (I was able to finish the game in just over six hours), it was worth every minute.

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35 / 100 - Goat Simulator
Apr 23, 2015

Goat Simulator is quite easily one of the more forgettable games I have played in recent memory. Aside from some cheap laughs and managing to somehow become an internet cultural phenomenon, this goat game offers up little in terms of any substance.

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88 / 100 - Mortal Kombat X
Apr 22, 2015

From its great roster of fighters and styles to its fast gameplay and snappy controls MKX has a lot of positives going for it. It's as gruesome and stomach churning as it has ever been and that is exactly why we all love it. Everyone from combo pros to button mashers can have fun with NetherRealm's latest as it stands out as one of the best, if not THE best fighting game, released in years.

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State of Decay: Year One Survival Edition is "pretty good bang for the buck" considering the asking price.  I for one enjoyed what I played, and the added content of past DLC, plus all the bonus goodies that have been tacked on above that make the whole package a pretty good value.  There is a lot of gameplay to be had here too and those who haven't played the game before are in for hours upon hours of zombie mayhem.

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70 / 100 - Tower of Guns
Apr 21, 2015

Play it for a while, die many times, put down your controller, scream into a pillow, and go watch cat videos. And then, when you have calmed down, come back to play it again. If you stick with it, Tower of Guns will give you exactly what it promises – a few hours of insane, mostly fun, run-and-gun action.

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As far as living up to its Kickstarter promises, DS does an admirable job bring that to life. However, the substantial hurdles that hold it back make it a less than pleasant playing experience.

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85 / 100 - We Are Doomed
Apr 16, 2015

The more you play it, the less you will care how far you get; you will come back again and again just for the simple pleasure of playing it. But be careful – that 30 minutes you think you have spent will likely turn out to be more like 2 hours when you check the clock.

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Overall, Scholar of the First Sin is a fantastic upgrade and worth the purchase if you never had the chance to play Dark Souls 2 on PC or current gen consoles. Even if you did play through it before, the DLC alone is worth checking out. The visual upgrades are rather stunning if you haven't played on PC, and the new enemy positions offer veteran players a nice surprise.

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70 / 100 - Toukiden: Kiwami
Apr 10, 2015

Toukiden: Kiwami has an intricate and expansive system of armour, weapons, mitama and power-ups to keep the gameplay interesting. That said, I couldn't help but feel that the amount of button mashing was excessive considering the detail put elsewhere.

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75 / 100 - FIRE
Apr 9, 2015

Serious adventure game fans will probably be disappointed with the shallow puzzle design and the game's short length, but someone looking for a light-hearted romp through a wacky prehistory will find something to like in Fire.

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While the basic gameplay mechanic gets it right, the lackluster story and cement-headed AI keep this title from greatness.  If you are looking to try something different, Sniper Elite III Ultimate Edition is definitely worth a shot (sorry, couldn't resist).

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79 / 100 - MLB 15: The Show
Apr 5, 2015

Sony's MLB franchise remains the undisputed king of virtual baseball games. MLB 15: The Show is a visual stunner and for yet another year the franchise has made a leap into becoming a more authentic Major League Baseball experience. Despite this, the franchise is becoming somewhat stagnant and in need of some real innovation.

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Life is Strange Episode 2 is where you start to truly witness and experience how the choices you make affect the story. The various possible outcomes and things to discover is what continues to make Life is Strange intriguing and leaves us wanting more. I just hope that this build-up of mysteries and secrets is used effectively and takes a turn for the best that will make the story even better and even possibly the best we've seen in a while. If you have come this far, there is no sense stopping now.

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79 / 100 - Story of Seasons
Apr 2, 2015

Overall, the classic Harvest Moon formula continues to thrive in Story of Seasons with some new features and touch-ups to keep it entertaining and enjoyable for fans. The amount of customization, emphasis on connectivity, and improvement on familiar activities present in past instalments are features that make the game a solid instalment in the Harvest Moon series.

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90 / 100 - Bloodborne
Mar 31, 2015

This nightmare is challenging, scary, and easily one of the best games I've ever played. Both fans of From's previous work and newcomers alike should really give this a shot, and see what you're made of. May the good blood guide your way.

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