Kosmokrats Reviews
Kosmokrats offers a nice change of pace from other physics-based puzzler out there, with a dark comedic edge and some challenging puzzles that become more complex over time.
Kosmokarts is yet another indie title, that goes against loud voices who are often stays dissapointed with modern games and all too familiar gameplay mechenics. Here you can expect a really unique mix of LEGO, Tetris and some painfully sweet challenges. Right until the credits roll Kosmokrats manages to stay fresh with many new gameplay tricks, while the borderline absurd plot continue to make fun of charismatic space comrades.
Review in Russian | Read full review
Kosmokrats' hilarious story eclipses its gameplay.
Kosmokrats pulls off charming dark comedy, engaging puzzle gameplay, and excellent repercussions for player actions.
Enjoy Kosmokrats in short bursts and avoid frustrating yourself into burning up in orbit, and you'll be fine. The puzzles are fun for a while, and the silly Russian accents and exemplary voice acting is cute. Quit before you get frustrated and start to rush and fail. That's your cue! Come back later, potato peeler pilot. If you do come back, there are higher difficulties to unlock, should you become a drone pilot pro. Until then, das vedanya, peeler, and may you gently nudge together your Space Force pieces with finesse and not punt them all over the solar system.
Dark comedy from USSR space station offers rare experience with jokeful concept, but stereotypical quests.
Review in Slovak | Read full review
Kosmokrats is only ever a few steps away from infuriating, and if you’re to get the best out of this puzzler, you’ll need a lot of patience.
Kosmokrats is an interesting puzzle game hidden behind a plot of a fictional Soviet Union that has reached for the stars. The different decisions we can make are interesting and will make us replay the game several times, but the management part can be a bit distracting from the puzzles.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Kosmokrauts did not wow me at all with its shallow, repetitive, and intentionally clunky physics-based gameplay, but it oozed so much charm with its goofy visuals and superb voice acting, that I decided to keep on playing just to be greeted with some exaggerated Russian accents and dumb puns.
Kosmokrats has a funny, well-written story and a great soundtrack, but the somewhat frustrating puzzle design and control can occasionally hamper your enjoyment.
Kosmokrats' Soviets-in-space setting and the story hit some good notes, but it's all let down by the gameplay. I really wish I could recommend the game, but this is one to avoid as it stands, comrades.