The Unexpected Quest Reviews

The Unexpected Quest is ranked in the 11th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
60 / 100
Feb 10, 2021

The Unexpected Quest mostly looks good, mostly plays good, and I would mostly recommend it. I don’t know if I’ll remember the game in a couple of months, but I still had a good time with it, even with all its frustrations. It might not be a glowing recommendation, but if you have a fantasy itch to scratch and a little money to blow, hey, why not?

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Jan 21, 2021

The Unexpected Quest fails to live up to its ideas

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6 / 10.0
Jan 22, 2021

As an adult and long time gamer, I feel this really is for a much younger crowd of players. It's not necessarily a bad game, just very simple and easy with no real apparent challenge.

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6 / 10.0
Dec 3, 2020

The Unexpected Quest is by no means a bad game, as completing tasks and acquiring resources can be entertaining if you approach the title with the right mindset. Unfortunately, it's incredibly hard to justify the price-tag when you consider the game's relatively short length and repetitive elements. Casual players might get a kick out of the laid-back experience, but RTS veterans should look elsewhere for their resource-managing and quest-completing thrills.

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Top Critic
4.5 / 10.0
Oct 29, 2024

An incredibly simple RTS, The Unexpected Quest is best left unexplored.

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5 / 10.0
Feb 18, 2021

It is a decent time-waster of an RTS, but it is far from deeply engaging or exciting. Limited controls, the inability to place buildings where you want and one-on-one unit battles put a damper on the experience. This is not the game that will take the place of Warcraft as it feels like it never quite takes the training wheels off and there are better RTS experiences to be had, making this really only good for newcomers to the genre who need a gentle, simple pace.

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Jan 30, 2021

I had fun with The Unexpected Quest but its failure to challenge me made the experience less satisfying than it could have been.

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6 / 10.0
Jan 20, 2025

The Unexpected Quest fails to reach its potential. This slow time-sink lacks challenge and is often repetitive. Though there were some glimmers of hope, they barely papered over the cracks!

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6.5 / 10.0
Oct 29, 2024

Although, at first glance, it may be considered that The Unexpected Quest has wasted its potential due to the lack of depth in the package, its features accessible to beginners in the world of RTS and the interesting art direction adopted in the game make it a good choice both for a casual time pass and for entertaining (and introducing) children and young people who have never played games of this genre.

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6.3 / 10.0
Jan 23, 2021

Looking and often feeling like a game made in an earlier and simpler era, The Unexpected Quest would best be characterized as a very simple and watered-down RTS title...

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5 / 10
Feb 4, 2022

The Unexpected Quest throws a welcoming hand at the audience thanks to a very well done tutorial and overall organization. Where the game starts steering from higher plateaus, however, is when its constrictions come into place - this may seem quite unusual for a Real Time Strategy game, but The Unexpected Quest imposes too many limits that curtail the player's creative and strategic freedom, thus hindering the experience. Adding to that a lack of touchscreen controls, a slow pace, and a somewhat dated visual environment, and the result is a game that falls below its potential.

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Jan 23, 2021

I do like The Unexpected Quest, it is a fun game in short bursts. It isn’t a deep strategy games like some other games in the genre. However, if your looking a mild strategy game that isn’t too brain taxing then The Unexpected Quest would be worth looking into.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jan 22, 2021

The Unexpected Quest was unexpectedly charming and quite fun to play. Its toybox feel and unique blend of resource management, adventure, and puzzle-solving elements made my time with the game quite fun and enjoyable to look at.

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Jan 18, 2021

I don’t understand why this exists.

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7.5 / 10.0
Dec 14, 2020

So on the note that it ends, I believe we can expect more unexpected quests in the future. In order to progress though, the series will need a few modifications to be done to the style in order to make it more interesting as the current formula gets a little stale after a few hours as the only thing changing was the stage layouts and puzzle aspects of what had to be done before what. Otherwise if you've been looking for something in the real time strategy vein that's been very slim pickings of late and are up for a little bit of puzzle solving, The Unexpected Quest may just be worth checking out.

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