SEASON: A letter to the future Reviews

SEASON: A letter to the future is ranked in the 71st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Olly Smith
Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Jan 26, 2023

Season is a reminder that memories of the past are all we’re left with, and it staples the importance of being able to carry over that knowledge into future generations. Because otherwise, we’re left with a culture that is doomed to repeat the same mistakes and won’t have the skills to work past it.

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5.5 / 10.0
Jan 26, 2023

Giving players the freedom to capture anything sounds liberating, but its lack of structure makes it all a hollow endeavor, a feeling that’s only made even more extreme during its general, unsatisfying ending.

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8 / 10.0
Jan 26, 2023

Hinting at a grand and epic adventure, SEASON: A letter to the future instead presents a personal, vertical slice of a transient world. Through its small-scale stories and simple gameplay, it exists as a reflective meditation on liminality that encourages patience and presence. It weaves environmental storytelling and player choice into a compelling emotional journey. While it may occasionally stray into an overly-earnest territory and doesn't quite nail its pacing, SEASON: A letter to the future is a special, honest experience and a worthy addition to any narrative adventure lover's library.

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8 / 10.0
Jan 27, 2023

Rewarding exploration, enjoyable bike traversal and a gorgeous world make Season: A letter to the future a journey worth embarking on.

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Lee Mehr
Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Jan 26, 2023

Through creative world-building and earnest emotion, SEASON makes you appreciate the marvelous sights and sounds amidst a crumbling world.

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6 / 10
Jan 26, 2023

Every system in Season seems to just be encapsulated by highs and lows. There will be something I'm really enjoying like the act of cycling, but then simultaneously an annoyance or disruption will creep in and spoil it. That is not to say there is nothing to enjoy within Season - quite the contrary, with the form of a great game clearly here. Aspects like the haptic feedback and active preservation excel within the game, but there is far too much clasping on the brakes to get the rhythm going, even in such a short game.

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Jan 26, 2023

Leaving your hometown can be a difficult and scary decision. Fear of the unknown terrain, people, and challenges can force a hefty emotional toll. Layer this with premonitions of the end of the world as you know it, and it almost sounds too insurmountable. SEASON: A letter to the future, beautifully encapsulates this sense of doom while also pushing the player to see the beauty when closing a chapter in someone’s story.

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