The Deadly Tower of Monsters Reviews

The Deadly Tower of Monsters is ranked in the 48th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
65 / 100
Feb 11, 2016

The Deadly Tower of Monsters revels in the schlock of B-movies

Feb 24, 2016

I have a lot of time for Deadly Tower of Monsters. More than Diablo, more than Fat Princess Adventures; this is the grindy, top-down action 'crawler that I am going to come back to over, and over again.

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Jan 19, 2016

'The Deadly Tower of Monsters' is initially extremely charming and unique, but it runs out of steam way too fast to carry it through its already short campaign. While the aesthetic is terrific, the gameplay and humor don't work well enough to make the game terribly memorable. It's not a particularly bad game, but at best, it's a dull, mediocre footnote for a studio that's done far better work than this.

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7.8 / 10.0
Mar 7, 2016

The Deadly Tower of Monsters is a short but charming experience. The gameplay is what lets the game down needing an extra dose of polish in several areas but it's still decent enough to play. A creative style, a cheesy story and a stellar in-game commentary performance make this a title that shouldn't be missed for anyone with even a passing interest in classic sci-fi b-movies.

8 / 10.0
Feb 11, 2016

The Deadly Tower of Monsters is a very enjoyable romp. The action is mostly what you'd expect, but the vertical moments make for some excellent additions to the gameplay. The presentation is good, and the commentary and the humor will keep you glued to the game even if there's not much reason to stick around once the credits roll. Overall, The Deadly Tower of Monsters is a very solid action title that most gamers will enjoy.

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8 / 10.0
Jan 23, 2016

The Deadly Tower of Monsters is an interactive love letter to MST3K but also to those who love the old sci-fi movies that were featured on the show. You'll have a blast not only playing the title but also listening to the commentary or trying to spot from where all the different elements originate.

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Top Critic
5 / 10
Jan 19, 2016

There's no denying that style is an integral part of videogames. The thing is, though, that when 'looking good' becomes the main focus, and throws substance out of the window in the process, things tend to start leaning towards the disappointing side of the scale; and that's the problem with The Deadly Tower of Monsters. While far - very far in fact - from being a terrible piece of software, without the B-Movie aesthetics and the funny narration from the Director and his unfortunate audio technician - which it nails - this is just an action game, and an average one at that.

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4 / 5
Feb 3, 2016

The Deadly Tower of Monsters is a shining example of how campy themes can be done intentionally and still be humorous.

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Jan 20, 2016
The Deadly Tower of Monsters - Logic Review video thumbnail
9 / 10
Jan 24, 2016

The short playtime can make the full asking price ($14.99 at the time of writing, not counting any sales going on) a bit hard to swallow, though. Despite that, The Deadly Tower of Monsters is a great switch-off-your-brain-and-play game, and definitely worth giving a shot.

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