ZOMBI Reviews
Zombi is a flawed port, but its technical issues can be overlooked, and underneath the hiccups lays a solid game.
Crashes and glitching aside, the game gives a few scares, that feeling that you'll never truly be ok, and really delivers what can be boiled down to a solid zombie experience.
A failed opportunity to make use of reasonably more powerful hardware leaves ZOMBI in an unfortunate position whereby the original game is actually more appealing.
Zombi's unique take on survival horror isn't enough to compensate for an otherwise bland experience.
Surprisingly fresh for a carcass
Zombi on XBox One is a port and is a clunk port but still has a few moments to shine on this next-gen console
Zombi defies the Wii U gamepad's supposed limitations and reanimates into its own impressive beast.
You'll soon find that the inventory becomes a chore as you have to juggle items around and leave valuable resources on the ground
A unique infusion of roguelike mechanics into a surprisingly directed game, it's still got everything it had going for it back in 2012. Even that gamebreaking glitch.
All in all, Zombi is a game that is much welcomed in the new platforms. It opens up a large space for a new audience barely compromising on features. It is a game where every aspect of it is very good, albeit never extraordinary. It's a very enjoyable game, but the combination of design choices make it feel both unique and strange.
Outside of the game-ending glitches and the poorly designed collection mission that we've mentioned, the experience is tension-filled and easily right up there with the best survival horror titles available today. The problem is that there's a very good chance that you'll give up after your umpteenth unfair death way before reaching the closing credits.
We are firmly entrenched in era of gaming where seemingly every single video game ever is being repackaged, rebooted, remade, or just plain ripped off. 'Zombi' on the Xbox One isn't a rip-off, but nor did it really call out for a port. It could have been quite content to remain a halfway decent Wii U exclusive forever, but instead we have a flawed zombie game with a few novel mechanics lurking under the surface. It'll be interesting to see if Ubisoft elects to follow up with another 'Zombi' at some point this gen.
Only the diehard survival horror fans who missed this on Wii U would find enjoyment out of Zombi, and most other people will probably be appalled by the lackluster and shoddy conversion that Ubisoft dumped on digital marketplaces.
A solid game, with a few minor port issues, but at a budget price one you should be at least flirting with the idea of playing.
For now you're not going to find many other games that allow you to take cricket bats to zombies, so that's something.
Zombi is a game that might seem too ponderous and frustrating for many. But for those who appreciate a challenging atmosphere that tasks you with marshalling your fears and taking a studious approach to survival, it's a definite must-try.
Zombi is a return to the roots of the genre of Survival-Horror, although you have to accept that due to its difficulty and combat system many people will turn their back after a few minutes, a game for lovers of the genre looking for a little torment . Hear Zombies approaching you will scare you again ...
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Zombi is an all round good zombie game. It doesn’t stand out above the rest as being a “must play” game, but if you are a zombie fan, you should most definitely check this game out. It wont be the best zombie game you ever played, but it’s fun. Good zombies, good survival, not a bad story and best of all it’s cheap!