Rare Replay Reviews

Rare Replay is ranked in the 95th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9 / 10.0
Aug 3, 2015

‎Rare Replay is an encyclopedia‎‎, as I mentioned at the beginning. A gift for the fan of video games, a ‎‎review of the history not only of a company but of an industry‎‎ that does not stop growing, a unique entertainment product that, on top of that, gives us 30 games, some infumables in the era in which we are, why we are going to deceive ourselves, and others that are authentic essentials for 1 euro per game, even less if we buy it in stores such as Amazon or Game.‎

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9 / 10.0
Aug 12, 2015

A great collection full of pleasure for just 90 zlotys? Mandatory title for older players. Xbox One owners cannot walk past this collection indifferently. It's worth checking out and falling in love with some titles all over again!

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Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Aug 28, 2015

Perhaps without exaggeration it can be said that Rare Replay is the best collection of old games ever released.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
Aug 15, 2015

Some of the games in here are real solid nines out of tens, and maybe even one of them is a ten out of ten, but they are held back by the otherwise sloppy conversion and that makes Rare Replay somewhat disappointing at times. Performance issues aside, this is probably one of the best game compilations out there and is at an unbeatable price.

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9 / 10
Aug 10, 2015

There are certain control and formatting options that we would've liked to see included, but there's so much engrossing entertainment here that it feels wrong to whine about what are, in most cases, negligible details. Even though it costs actual money, Rare Replay feels like a heartfelt gift from Rare to its fans, and it deserves your time, money, and appreciation.

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Aug 7, 2015

It feels like we get a remake, compilation, or some other form of do-over once a week or so in the gaming community. Many of them are not worth buying unless it's a great game and you've missed the previous version. With 'Rare Replay,' Rare has managed to put together not only a set of some of their best games, but added in some colorful bonuses and replayability. It is missing some of their brightest stars, but it still has a lot to offer.

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8 / 10
Sep 10, 2015

Including thirty games, there's no denying the value in Rare Replay.

Digitally Downloaded
Nick H.
Top Critic
Aug 10, 2015

Rare Replay's technical challenges on a handful of games stand as the only aspect that detracts from an otherwise outstanding collection of titles. With titles reaching back as far as 1983 and as recent as 2008, this is one diverse collection that promises a lot of fun around a variety of genres. Thirty games. Thirty bucks. It's pretty tough to top a collection like this.

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8.5 / 10.0
Aug 5, 2015

Ultimately, Rare Replay is a must-buy title if you have even a passing interest in a handful of the included games. While the technical issues prevent it from being an ideal collection, the value justification is impossible to ignore. The majority of these games are great choices, and at an average price of $1 a game (even less if you get it on sale), you're not really missing out even if you end up not liking a few.

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8.8 / 10.0
Aug 7, 2015

There you have it; thirty games from three decades in one fantastic package.

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9.5 / 10.0
Aug 3, 2015

Rare Replay is a collection for which you get an Xbox One. The game has an achievement score of 10,000 points and over 700 hours of gameplay. And all for only 30 euros. Searching around the internet shows that it is sometimes already offered for less. The price-quality ratio is of a level that we have not seen before. Absurd. Infectious. A must-buy!

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9.5 / 10.0
Aug 5, 2015

Rare Replay feels like a complete time travel experience

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8.8 / 10.0
Aug 12, 2015

Rare Replay sets the stage for what should be expected from a retro game collection and I absolutely see myself playing this game until I amass that 10,000 Gamerscore that can be earned.

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Top Critic
Aug 3, 2015

A fantastic package that charts the history of one of Britain's most important developers. It works both as a historical archive, and as a top-tier package of classic games. There really is something for everyone in this wonderfully crafted anthology.