Fallout 4: Nuka World Reviews

Fallout 4: Nuka World is ranked in the 51st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9 / 10.0
Sep 3, 2016

Overall Nuka World is an amazing end to a great video game all together. I have clocked a total of 5 Days, 19 Hours, and 4 minutes into Fallout 4. 19 hours into Nuka World. I give Nuka World a score of 9.0/10. Are you planning on getting Nuka World? Let us know in the comments down below. This review was conducted on an Xbox One version of Fallout 4.

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6 / 10.0
Sep 16, 2016

Tons of fetch quests, far too much time spent away from the theme park, and forcing the role playing out of RPG, it’s still a fun addition - if you don’t mind playing it evil.

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Aug 31, 2016

'Nuka-World' is not the perfect swan song for 'Fallout 4', but it is a perfectly playable homage to our favorite post-apocalyptic soft drink and, to a lesser extent, the Commonwealth itself. If you have come looking for something new and fresh, you may be disappointed. If you want another reason to return to the wasteland for shooting, looting, and reading through Nuka-Cola corporate emails, 'Nuka-World' will scratch the itch for a time.

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Aug 29, 2016

With Fallout 4 ending development now that Nuka-World is out, it’s good to see it going out on a high note. While the ending may drag for a bit, getting to explore all the hidden wonders of Nuka-World is some of the finest gaming Fallout 4 has to offer.

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Oct 31, 2016

[Nuka World is] ...a dent on the already dented DLC experience of Fallout 4...And to be perfectly honest, it doesn't make me feel like I've earned my worth by purchasing the Season Pass when I first bought Fallout 4. Sure all the settlement additions and extra quests are nice, but overall all these experiences, barring the Robotics side of the Mechanist DLC, Far Harbour, and maybe the entertainments of the Nuka World DLC, I hardly feel that £30-40 I spent on the Season Pass was a good purchase. However, these are just my first impressions, and my opinion may change as I put more hours into the DLC, so be sure to let us know your opinions in the comments below! Do you agree with this opinion? Do you feel satisfied by the Season Pass? What has been your favourite DLC so far? Let us know!

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7 / 10.0
Sep 3, 2016

Insgesamt ist Nuka-World keineswegs ein schlechter DLC. Ihr bekommt eine nette Story und vor allem sehr interessante Gebiete zu sehen, könnt mit einigen der Attraktionen auch selbst fahren und den Konversationen unter den Gangmitgliedern lauschen, sowie etliche Terminaleinträge lesen. Auch das Einnehmen von Siedlungen ist durchaus gelungen und macht insbesondere dann Spaß, wenn man die neuen Aufbauoptionen nutzt, um sich ein richtig authentisches „Raider Settlement“ zu bauen. Jedoch ist ein großer Teil von dem Unterhaltungswert des DLCs nicht offensichtlich, sondern eher versteckt, was in einem gewissen Ausmaß durchaus positiv ist, jedoch sollte man in einem postapokalyptischen Vergnügunspark voller Gangs und mutierten Kreaturen nicht nach Spannung suchen müssen. Oft wirkt Nuka-World einfach in einem unpassenden ausmaß leblos. Dazu kommt noch die fragwürdige Entscheidung, dass ihr böse sein müsst, um die Story zu beenden, was im Übrigen auch notwendig ist, um Attraktionen nutzen zu können. Wer schon immer Preston Garvey und seinen Siedlungen eines auswischen wollte, kommt hier aber definitiv aus seine Kosten.

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8.3 / 10.0
Oct 9, 2018

Nuka-World is a DLC that changes how the game is played. Not only you can become and lead Raiders, but also you get a better weapon in every category. If you are into Fallout 4, Nuka-World is a must.

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5 / 10
Sep 26, 2016

The overzealous difficulty of Fallout 4′s DLCs is no exception this time around; the Nuka World radio signal won’t auto-trigger until you are at least level 30. Don’t start at level 30. Just don’t. If you haven’t hit at least level 50 by now, take the time to get there; the unbalanced level-scaling that gave Automatron and Far Harbor their “quirks” is back to kill your stash of stimpacks and ammo. Combine that with a narrative that lacks depth and meaningful decisions, Nuka World might fall below your expectations, but still provides many hours of game play to unlock a plethora of secrets and rewards.

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7.9 / 10.0
Sep 5, 2016

Nuka World is a fun 10-15 hour adventure. It's just a shame the beginning and end felt incredibly lackluster. The new areas to explore are superb, the new weapons and enemies bring good change to the game, and my inner child couldn't be happier with the setting. If only the plot in this DLC wasn't just tacked on to an already great idea of having an amusement park in Fallout. Still when I finished Nuka World I was satisfied with my twenty dollar purchase. After all some say Fallout's fun is in the exploration and discovery and that's exactly what you have to look forward too here.

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Top Critic
Sep 2, 2016

Nuka-World's fantastic new setting and cool new opportunities belies its overall lack of depth. There's a lot to do in this expansion, but not a lot of it is all that interesting. It could be worse, but it could also be a whole lot better.

9.2 / 10.0
Aug 30, 2016

I really loved this whole separate world they created with Nuka World and if you own Fallout 4 this is a must have experience.

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