Unbox Reviews

Unbox is ranked in the 12th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
6 / 10.0
Sep 8, 2016

It reminds you of those great 3D platformers of the 90s, but never manages to reach the same heights as they once did.

9 / 10.0
Sep 13, 2016

Unbox took me back to a time when games were about fun.

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Ian Howarth
Top Critic
6 / 10
Sep 14, 2016

With lacklustre multiplayer and a simplified single-player that timidly asks for only basic platforming skills, completion of race challenges that provide plenty of time even after a few screw-ups, and battles that allow unlimited lives with no time limit or enemy respawns, Unbox is definitely not something that should be played if looking for a challenge.

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Sep 25, 2016

Despite all of the bugs I encountered I genuinely I enjoyed my time with Unbox, it’s not quite as good as I had hoped it would be.

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4 / 10.0
Sep 30, 2016

With no challenge beyond wrestling with the horrible controls, Unbox is a failed appeal to nostalgia that captures none of the warmth or playability of the games it admires.

8 / 10
Oct 15, 2016

…the movement is incredibly fun to navigate with, and provides an additional layer of challenge that will surprise and go against expectations

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Top Critic
5 / 10
Sep 5, 2016

It's obvious there's something here in Unbox people may find entertaining. Even with the clunky controls, there's little nuggets of fun to be found in this throwback to 90s platforming wonders. It's just clear that it also brings a lot of the frustrations of that era with it. It's a bit late in the gaming industry to still be figuring out 3D controls, but if you can look past it, there is enjoyment to be had here, after all.

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Oct 23, 2017

I never managed to actually get someone to play this with me. They took one look at the single player game, with all its misfiring attempts at nostalgic glory, and begged me to play something else instead.

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3.5 / 5.0
Sep 19, 2016

Unbox is a lovely little 3D exploration platformer with a few issues that hold it back from being truly great. If the game’s problems with bugs, optimization issues and overly-sensitive controls were fixed, it would stand out as one of the finer examples of the 3D platform genre on the PC.

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5 / 10.0
Jul 23, 2017

Unbox – Newbie’s Adventure by indie developer Prospect Games is a 3D platformer set in a colourful large world. Taking control of a cardboard box, yes you heard me right, it is down to you to single handedly raise the reputation of the Global Postal Service (GPS) that is currently in a down hill spiral thanks to parcels going missing and failed delivery times.

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