Old Time Hockey Reviews

Old Time Hockey is ranked in the 14th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
4.5 / 10.0
Mar 29, 2017

I love the style and humor of this throwback title, but technical and design problems keep the game from reaching its potential

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Top Critic
5.8 / 10.0
Apr 20, 2017

While there are some real qualities in OTH, the deficiencies in gameplay and relatively low replay value make it a hard sell even for the virtual hockey fan who is looking for a knock-down, drag-out, arcade hockey title.

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5.5 / 10.0
Mar 27, 2017

Alas, Old Time Hockey by and large was a disappointing experience. On paper, it had potential to be a good game. But as a finished product it is disappointingly held back by wads of jank and unpolish, and a few too many half-baked features.

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4 / 10
Mar 30, 2017

Old Time Hockey is a slog that tries to masquerade as a pick up and play arcade hockey title. Throughout the main campaign you feel like you’re dictated to play in a particular way instead. The devs have done everything right with the presentation and the commentary yet slipped up in creating a fun game. Arcade hockey games from a decade ago, even two decades ago, laid the perfect foundations to build upon but it feels like the devs of Old Time Hockey wanted to dig those foundations upon and build a series of poorly signposted office blocks where the ice rink used to be.

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5 / 10
Apr 3, 2017

Old Time Hockey is not great. While it's not as bad as the 2016/2017 Colorado Avalanche, the game still has a whole collection of problems. Most of the elements of gameplay feel either unpolished or just poor, but the game's overwhelming charm and low price-point make it more palatable than it would otherwise be.

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80 / 100
Mar 27, 2017

Old Time Hockey is not an ultra-realistic hockey sim, and it’s not trying to be.

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2 / 5.0
Apr 3, 2017

Unfortunately, classic arcade flair and humor-filled story and loading screens can only carry a game so far. Old Time Hockey is definitely trying to fill a spot that hockey-fan gamers know exists, but the dragging controls and other in-game inconsistencies leave it far from the mark.

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5.5 / 10.0
Apr 1, 2017

Old Time Hockey rushes out of the box with a great presentation but trips up once it hits the ice and has to prove itself. The game just can't match up to the retro classics that were its inspiration.

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4 / 10
Mar 29, 2017

Although V7 Entertainment may improve the experience and I do enjoy the visual look to the game, Old Time Hockey does not play well. I was looking forward to playing something akin to the games I played growing up, but the game didn't come together. Skating doesn't feel as tight as it should, shooting lacks one-timers, passing feels too stiff, and fighting is lackluster and barely functional. The visual style certainly captures the look of the era, with thick mustaches and mullets, and small backyard arenas.

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Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Apr 17, 2017

While, unpolished, Old Time Hockey offers a lot for fans looking for an experience outside of NHL.

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5 / 10.0
Mar 27, 2017

The idea for the game was good, but unfortunately, final product is disappointing. Too simple for playing alone, too complicated for quick match at the party.

Review in Polish |

8 / 10.0
Mar 28, 2017

Old Time Hockey is great fun — a reason to invite a friend over

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5.5 / 10.0
Apr 15, 2017

Old Time Hockey is not a game we'd suggest for your own game library. The controls are cumbersome and the IA is not good enough. By the way, the OST is great.

Review in Italian | Read full review

7.5 / 10.0
Apr 25, 2017

Overall, Old Time Hockey does need some polish in terms of play. Also, we wish there was an online mode so people could match up all over the world. The controls have that retro feel and the gameplay is easy for anyone to pick up. Plus, you can play on the couch with friends and drink while you’re at it. The price is right for this game though coming in at $11.99 it is a pretty good deal.

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Ray Carsillo
Top Critic
3 / 10.0
Mar 27, 2017

Old Time Hockey is more style than substance. Its heart was in the right place, but shoddy controls, glitches, and poor gameplay design make this an arcade-style game hockey fans just don't need in their lives.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
Mar 29, 2017

As long as you're not expecting a simulation heavy, photo-realistic experience, you should find something to enjoy in Old Time Hockey.

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Mar 28, 2017

Whether it's laying out big hits or scoring satisfying goals there's some fun to be had with "Old Time Hockey." It just takes too long to get to a place of enjoyment, and even then doesn't negate the underlying issues and otherwise lack of content despite a reasonable $12 price point.

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7.5 / 10.0
Mar 27, 2017

It has the recipe for success in the indie sports market, and could become one of the hits of 2017.

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May 8, 2017

If you're looking for a new take on the hockey simulation genre with a 1970s twist, then Old Time Hockey is exactly the game you're looking for. Taking the worse team in the league and completely changing its dynamics, improving their skills as you go is a very rewarding experience – as long as you're ready to lose a ton of games in the process!

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Digitally Downloaded
Brad L.
Top Critic
Apr 13, 2017

Talk about a piece of media that can capably transport the player directly into the 1990s of ice hockey games, Old Time Hockey does exactly that. From the one-colour loading screens, to the sound effects, right down to the chosen font, Old Time Hockey is a fun yet flawed experience. In a time where many developers are looking back to the 1990s as inspiration for their games, Old Time Hockey stands out as one of the success stories.

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