Slime-san Reviews

Slime-san is ranked in the 79th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
4 / 5.0
Apr 7, 2017

When Slime-san works as intended, it's an incredibly clever platformer, filled with endless challenges that constantly come up with new riffs on its themes.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 22, 2017

In the absence of Meat Boy Slime-San stands unopposed, and excellent little bite of hyperactive platform action.

Aug 27, 2017

Overall, Slime-san is a surprising and insanely fun downloadable title that platforming fans should not hesitate picking up. The style is gorgeous and the music is catchy, while the moment-to-moment gameplay is incredible. Super Meat Boy may still be months from launch, but those looking for a twitch-based platforming experience should not hesitate downloading Slime-san today.

8 / 10
Oct 2, 2017

Slime-san is not only a fitting tribute to platform games of previous eras but is also a fun, well designed and well structured platformer that stands on its two legs, thanks to its overall layout, audiovisual component and to a varied content boosted by its very welcome lifespan.

Review in Portuguese |

90 / 100
Aug 22, 2017

Slime-san is a surprisingly refreshing twitch-based platformer that will put a smile on anyone's face. Its sharp controls mixed with brutal but balanced difficulty, as well as some well-done pixelated graphics, makes Slime-san a must buy for anyone looking for some platforming goodness.

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7 / 10.0
Jul 24, 2018

Slime-San mimics what made titles such as Super Meat Boy so different, but despite being beautifully unique, it never reaches the same type of greatness.

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Top Critic
6.5 / 10.0
Aug 18, 2017

With over 100 different levels to play through – including boss battles, skills challenges, hidden passages, an in-game arcade, and a variety of extras to unlock (cosmetics, arts, headgear, and characters), Slime-san boasts hours of gameplay for the hardcore completionist. If you like platformers with a high level of difficulty, have a high threshold for failure (spoilers: you’re going to do a lot of it) or are a sucker for catchy chiptunes, Slime-san is the game for you.

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8 / 10
Apr 3, 2017

Despite its few faults however, Slime-san‘s quirkiness, its fast-paced gameplay, the soundtrack from over 10 acclaimed chiptune composers, and the 5 colour palette of a wonderfully vibrant world all culminate in a delightful game.

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9 / 10.0
Aug 17, 2017

Slime-san is a fantastic platformer that fits perfectly on the Nintendo Switch. While some puzzles weren’t that great and the challenge could get a bit much at times, I mostly had a smile on my face or one of determination throughout my entire playthrough.

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Aug 18, 2017

Overall, Slime-San is a very challenging game that will test player's skills in full. You'll need a lot of patience for this one if you want to 100% it, but it's definitely worth the effort since this is a polished release with charming pixel graphics and more than enough content to offer for its asking price. I'm not a fan of hardcore platformers, but this one certainly showed me why some players really like them! I look forward to seeing what Fabraz and Headup Games do after this outstanding release!

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Adam Riley
Top Critic
9 / 10
Aug 5, 2017

Looking for a fast-paced, patience-testing, platforming challenge that may well make you want to throw your Nintendo Switch across the room in frustration? Then Slime-san is for you! Fans of Super Meat Boy and its ilk will be right at home with this addictive, excellently presented piece of gaming goodness that will have players tearing their hair out, but unable to put down until every drop of juice (or 'slime') has been squeezed out of it.

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Renan Fontes
Top Critic
8 / 10
May 19, 2017

Oozing charm, Slime-san manages to capture that retro platformer feel while simultaneously adding its own touches to the genre. The high speed, low risk design allows for Super Meat Boy levels of difficulty, where death is frequent, but seldom frustrating, and the countdown for when the worm's stomach acid will begin to rise adds a level of tension few platformers ever have. With an incredible soundtrack, stellar art design, and plenty of unlockables to wade through, Slime-san is easily one of the strongest platformers to come out this generation.

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74 / 100
Jul 3, 2018

Slime-san: Superslime Edition doesn't reinvent the wheel, but it is one of the better variations of the classic platformer out there. The controls are excellent, and the plethora of content here will keep you busy for months. And if your eyes aren't broken like mine, you might even appreciate the visuals.

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Tommaso Stio
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Aug 11, 2017

Slime-san is an enjoyable platform for Nintendo Switch: it keeps you busy and entertained from the first second with its particular style and music. It also has loads of levels and customisations for you to enjoy.

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8.5 / 10.0
Aug 3, 2017

The controls feel so good that I know if I die, it's on me and not a fault of the game. Couple that with fun and interesting level design to make a foundation for a great game. Pile on a massive amount of stages littered with extra content and it's hard not to recommend this game to fans of the genre looking for a challenging but fair experience.

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8.4 / 10.0
Aug 10, 2017

Hands down, Slime-san is the best super-tough 2D platformer that I've ever played (yes, even better than Super Meat Boy).

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90 / 100
Apr 7, 2017

It’s as if building just one tight game wasn’t enough, Slime-san goes above and beyond in its cute platform game and gives its audience a completely new world on top of that.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 3, 2017

Right now on the Switch there’s just nothing else quite like Slime-San. It’s a challenging action/platforming title with a fair amount of puzzle-solving required and speed running roots thrown in to boot. As is necessary with this style the controls are tight and responsive and there are a number of choices in Slimes that will help you tune your experience closest to your liking. The duration of individual levels tends to be quite quick so it is excellent as an in-between doing things experience, allowing it to be played similarly to a mobile game in some regards if you’re often on the go. Finally, it is a terrific gateway to platforming challenges that venture past the familiar boundaries of the Mushroom Kingdom, turning the difficulty knob higher without necessarily breaking it like a few other titles of its kind tend to insist on doing. Recommended!

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9 / 10
Aug 19, 2017

To sum it up, Slime-san is a great little platformer with well-honed controls meaning that you can’t blame anyone but yourself for any silly mistakes that you make. For as little as a tenner, it’s bursting at the seams with content with plenty to do and unlock to keep you entertained for a very long time.

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7.5 / 10.0
Aug 7, 2017

Slime San quite controversial project, on the one hand we have the hardcore analogue in the face of Super Meat Boy, but that came out quite a long time, but on the other hand, the output of The End is Night is scheduled for later this year, at the end it's safe to say that Slime San is an excellent replacement for these projects.

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