The Sexy Brutale Reviews

The Sexy Brutale is ranked in the 83rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Ed Orr
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Apr 17, 2017

Despite this minor frustration, I was utterly enthralled by The Sexy Brutale. The exaggerated characters and isometric art breathes a kind of life into point and click mysteries that leaves other members of the same genre feeling listless and two dimensional. Puzzles prove themselves to be entirely accessible for newcomers, and the script is just fantastic. Take a gamble. Try The Sexy Brutale and if the house wins, just go back and try again.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jan 10, 2018

The Sexy Brutale is such a neat game and I really enjoyed my time with it. There's so many references to other games and like most murder mysteries, I felt a strong need to keep playing and uncover the truth of what was going on. It's too bad that the Nintendo Switch port suffers from horrible framerate issues. I'm really hoping the developers will make a patch for this soon because TSB is so awesome in every other aspect.

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8 / 10
May 1, 2017

Overall, The Sexy Brutale was a pretty enjoyable puzzle game. It reminded us of good point-and-click adventure titles of yore through a combination of a neatly executed story and the challenging puzzles. We wish the game had a little bit of hand-holding for newcomers, but experienced players are sure to love it.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 8, 2017

In the end, The Sexy Brutale is a fascinating murder mystery game. The indirect methods that are used to obtain clues and solve each murder are different from other games in the genre. Though you may be able to stumble upon the solution for a murder or two via dumb luck, the game rewards you for careful observation to the audio and visuals. If you can overcome the keyboard/mouse controls in lieu of a control pad, you'll find The Sexy Brutale to be a game that genre fans need to check out.

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Jun 20, 2017

I had a lot of fun with The Sexy Brutale. It's a short game that does something interesting by giving us a “Groundhog Day” style release where you replay the story from different perspectives as you use the information you gather to save all victims. Overall, you're looking at around 6-9 hours to 100% the game before you can add a new Platinum trophy to your collection. I highly recommend you get this charming and fun release on PS4 so that you too can explore what The Sexy Brutale has to offer.

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8.5 / 10.0
May 22, 2017

The Sexy Brutale is a delectable slice of murder and mystery. The exquisite art design, twisted puzzles, and excellent audio design combines to create a truly memorable experience. The unique setting and thoughtful tale will remain in the memory long after the case has been closed.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 29, 2017

Great ingenious puzzle game with some minor flaws. Stylish, intriguing and not too easy — exactly what you can expect from a game of this sort.

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Top Critic
9 / 10
May 2, 2017

All the time bending clichés could have easily applied to The Sexy Brutale, but instead of riding on the shoulders of other titles that have gone before it, this is a game that shows that a flashy mechanic is more than the sum of its parts. With a narrative that is driven by discovery and an overall theme that oozes style and panache, The Sexy Brutale takes the player through a streamlined and perfectly paced investigative adventure that is genuinely witty and profound.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 25, 2017

All in all, The Sexy Brutale will keep you hooked with its general freshness. In its own right, it encapsulates the best of what the intrigue genre has to offer, accomplishing a distinct style with its sparkling originality and humor.

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7.8 / 10.0
Apr 19, 2017

The Sexy Brutale is a moody experience of exploration, secrecy and melancholy, fueled by smooth jazz. Distinguished by its own mecanical design and great visual presentation, the game is a great surprise recommended for the puzzle loving entusiasts.

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8 / 10
Apr 19, 2017

Complex, challenging, but never boring, The Sexy Brutale blends a compelling narrative, appealing aesthetics and innovative gameplay into one stylish package.

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10 / 10
Apr 21, 2017

The game only has 19 trophies but it does include a Platinum trophy for your trouble, and it's not at all hard to obtain especially with the ability to rewind time. The game, story and gameplay mechanics are absolutely brilliant. The game gets full marks for uniqueness, and its graphics are great – very polished and stylish. The game has no voice acting, but that is not a deal-breaker. While The Sexy Brutale might be a short experience, it is highly recommended, addictive and well worth its asking price.

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5 / 10.0
Mar 16, 2018

The Sexy Brutale is an intriguing game with good ideas and an incredible atmosphere. It is well worth your time, as long as you don't play it on the Nintendo Switch. Without the technical issues, the game would've garnered a much higher score, but this port struggles at every turn and is best left alone.

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Oct 4, 2017

There is definitely some wasted potential, but The Sexy Brutale is a solid, original and fun game that's definitely worth your time.

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6.5 / 10.0
Dec 7, 2017

If you can put up with the choppy frame rates and lengthy load times, The Sexy Brutale is a fun, worthwhile experience. The highs are high, but then the game chugs or hitches during a long load. Those ups and downs are present from beginning to end. No matter what though, I definitely recommend this game as something to be tried, just maybe not this particular version.

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9 / 10
Apr 9, 2017

The Sexy Brutale is a fantastic adventure game. Its core time looping mechanic works in every way imaginable. Figuring out how to save the wonderfully eccentric party guests from the equally as wonderfully eccentric staff is brilliant.

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May 26, 2017

The Sexy Brutale is bad. If monotony is thrilling to you, then buy this game. I give them credit for trying something knew, but am disappointed how it turned out. The beautiful environments loose their "wow" factor the 10th time you have to go through them.

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9 / 10.0
May 3, 2017

Brimming with style and satisfying puzzling, The Sexy Brutale is a creative and unique experience. One of the better puzzle titles to come out in recent memory.

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7.5 / 10.0
May 7, 2017

The Sexy Brutale is a small game, set in a limited space, with big ideas. The plot is merely the container for a very clever puzzle game, and what a container it is. It is a very creepy game, standing in contrast to the bright cartoon-like art style. The sense of dread and foreboding as I raced against the clock to prevent each death literally gave me nightmares.

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7.9 / 10.0
May 6, 2017

It's hard not to like The Sexy Brutale Full House Edition, thanks to its refreshing and original game concept. While it doesn't just rely on its neat artistic direction and great soundtrack, the game is also a demanding one for newcomers and fans of puzzle games, but it's only problem might be that it's too short.

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