Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings Reviews

Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings is ranked in the 44th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Mar 27, 2018

Despite lacking the variety of previous Atelier games, Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings has a happy charm that makes it hard to put down.

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7 / 10.0
Mar 27, 2018

Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings is a serviceable entry in the long-running JRPG series by Gust, offering an experience that's surely entertaining, but not as good as Atelier Firis. Additionally, the lack of any real innovation in both story and gameplay departments translates into a very predictable game.

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7 / 10.0
Mar 27, 2018

Atelier Lydie & Suelle is a lovely relaxing turn based RPG that suffers from some aspects that make it feel rushed but still a welcome improvement from Firis that nearly killed the franchise for me.

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7.3 / 10.0
Apr 11, 2018

Atelier Lydie & Suelle switch to a twin heroine concept is both funny and entertaining, but the game overall is technically outdated and doesn't add much in terms of gameplay from its predecessors.

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Apr 4, 2018

Overall, Atelier Lydie & Suelle is a very niche game that fans of the series will no doubt enjoy. I’m sure if you give it time and are willing to fork over the hefty price tag, newcomers will find some quaint enjoyment in it too. It’s ambitious for its budget which I appreciate, even if it doesn’t come out looking the best. Aside from that and the poor frame rate, the production is great with music and direction. The story is what you will be here for and if you’re into the cutesy anime style of the dialogue then you’ll definitely be in for a warm, delightful, fuzzy time as you go with the sisters on their journey to be the best in the Kingdom. I definitely did.

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7.5 / 10.0
Mar 27, 2018

Featuring largely familiar combat and a mostly lighthearted story, people know by now what they are getting into with the Atelier series and that is really no different with Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings.

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7.5 / 10.0
Apr 11, 2018

Atelier Lydie & Suelle is a descent RPG with beautiful and colorful world. gameplay elements are deep enough and the game has the ability to satisfy most of RPG and JRPG fans. also we must say that Atelier Lydie & Suelle is one of the best games in Atelier series and could be the good point for new players to meet with the Atelier series for the first time. Atelier Lydie & Suelle is an RPG that we recommend it to you and worth your time very well.

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7.5 / 10.0
Mar 27, 2018

Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings knows what it wants to be, and for the most part, it delivers. Those looking for style and substance will only find the former in abundance, but there's just enough of the latter to keep Lydie and Suelle's adventure interesting enough to explore deeper. Just don't expect to become too invested in any of the game's story or characters. For a world that's built on the notion that the sum can be greater than the whole of its parts, Atelier Lydie & Suelle never becomes more than its addictive gameplay and two-dimensional protagonists, for better or for worse.

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76 / 100
Apr 3, 2018

_____________________ “With its liberal utilization of brilliant hues, playful melodic tones and exceedingly enthusiastic characters make for a pleasant and light hearted experience.

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7.8 / 10.0
Apr 12, 2018

It is one of the most charming and easy going JRPG games this console generation has seen, and I will certainly be crafting cute items for days to come.

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Invision Community
A Terrible Pun (that’s me!)
8 / 10
Mar 26, 2018

To set this to a close, the game itself is noteworthy with its well-written dialogue and the vast amount of story scenes present in the game. Characters are unforgettable although a bit of a Japanese cliché at this point. While the battle mechanics is pretty standard, the fact that the game is more focused on synthesizing makes up for it. Japanese voice overs is spot on and I can’t find any fault at it considering I’ve been a fan of Japanese anime for quite some time now. With the rare typographical errors creeping in here and there which can be forgiven.

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Apr 17, 2018

If you're an Atelier fan then of course you should buy this.

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Apr 2, 2018

In Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings, there's a charming story and intricate systems that help make it one of the best entries to date. I can't think of a better way to help celebrate 20 years of this long-running series.

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Top Critic
8 / 10
Mar 27, 2018

Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings is a delightful 3D turn based RPG that successfully melds slice-of-life with fantastical environments.

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Apr 24, 2018

19th Atelier game, celebrating 20th anniversary of the series, gave up an open world but cute twin sisters make up for this omission. All in all, it's a good old alchemic series from Gust, for which fans have been waiting.

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Mar 27, 2018

Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings has allowed me to rediscover why I fell in love with the series in the first place. And though I did find the lack of characters and inconsistent translation frustrating, just about everything else blew me away.

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4 / 5.0
Mar 27, 2018

Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings is the kind of game that's best played when one just wants to sit back and relax for a while.

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Eric Zander
Top Critic
8.1 / 10.0
Mar 28, 2018

Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Paintings is a game that can be played and enjoyed by both fans of the series, newcomers, and even people who would otherwise not consider it. It is a fine conclusion to the “Mysterious” series that is made more enjoyable when played after Atelier Sophieand Atelier Firis. It could have done more to innovate upon the previous titles, but it gave me a ton of enjoyment. If you like Atelier games, you'll like this game.

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8.4 / 10.0
Mar 26, 2018

The Atelier saga is a videogames series with too much potencial but the people in general don't give them a chance, I recommend the Mysterious trilogy so much. Lydie & Suelle is a great conclusion to the trilogy with the cutest twins and a improve gameplay that you will love.

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8.5 / 10.0
Mar 28, 2018

Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings is a great new addition to the Atelier franchise – it takes on board the issues the previous games had and corrects them with small tweaks here and there. It's a shame the open world has been removed, but I personally don't feel that has reduced the charm and delight the game delivers – especially if you liked Atelier Sophie, as Lydie and Suelle works very similarly. This is a great game for both newcomers and fans of the franchise with its ease of use and user-friendly mechanics, if you're a fan of JRPGs then you have no excuse not to try this game out.

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