Marvel's Spider-Man Reviews

Marvel's Spider-Man is ranked in the 98th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8.2 / 10.0
Sep 21, 2018

While not really original, and a work clearly inspired by other modern adventure games, Marvel's Spider-Man is still a welcome return of the superhero in the gaming world powered by one hell of a technological feat.

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10 / 10.0
Sep 11, 2018

With all the freedom it gives you to web-sling through New York City and stick goons to walls, Spider-Man for PS4 is the best Spider-Story I've had the pleasure to experience, and even on its own is a brilliant game.

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9.5 / 10.0
Sep 21, 2018

Insomniac Games makes the City of New York just as much a character as Spider-Man himself. It helps push Marvel's Spider-Man to be more than just a great superhero game; it's a great game, period.

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Sep 20, 2018

Marvel’s Spider-Man is wildly entertaining, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

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9.3 / 10.0
Sep 18, 2018

Marvel’s Spider-Man is a cinematic and gameplay master class

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Sep 13, 2018

Spider-Man is the best of the web-slinger’s video game debuts to date; the visuals are striking, its story engaging, and its gameplay is some of the most fluid anywhere on a modern console. Whilst it does occasionally get tangled in its own ambitious web, it makes up for its minor shortcomings with a large helping of heart and an even larger dose of pure fun.

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10 / 10.0
Sep 21, 2018

A must play for this generation, Spider-Man really feels like a lot of love and attention from Insomniac Games went into its production. The gameplay is always fun and will take players fond of Spider-Man II, Ultimate Spider-Man, and the other widely beloved titles on a nostalgic trip while giving them a completely new and perfectly paced story to enjoy. The developer's interpretation of the hero whose story we've seen redone so much in recent memory is a breath of fresh air for such a well-regarded character in geek culture.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 12, 2018

For better or worse, this is Peter Parker's alter-ego at his most predictable, so don't expect too many surprises. True to name, Spider-Man is what it is: simple 'n' straight up Spidey, nothing more, nothing less.

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Sep 4, 2018

Despite not quite being arachno-fabulous, Marvel's Spider-Man makes its mark with killer storytelling and excellent mechanics.

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8.9 / 10.0
Sep 8, 2018

Marvel's Spider-Man leans heavily on the tried-and-tested open-world formula, to its benefit and its loss. While it apes those that came before at every turn, it does so in such a way that it doesn't even matter - it's a beautiful Spider-Man game that tells its own story while delivering gameplay that's familiar but fine-tuned. Spend a few minutes swinging around and you'll barely care for the game's shortcomings. This isn't just the best Spider-Man game to do - it's the best super-hero game thus far.

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9 / 10.0
Sep 9, 2018

Spider-Man on PS4 is an incredible experience, it’s beautiful, packed full of action and tells a wonderful story. Don’t hang around, grab this game today.

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10 / 10
Sep 10, 2018

or the amount of content, and the quality of said content you really are getting your money’s worth here. Any fan of Spider-Man should purchase this as soon as possible. This is well on the way for becoming my game of the year come December… But for now you have won this spider-fan’s seal of approval. Spectacular visuals, amazing story, superior combat. All these come together to make, in my opinion, the ultimate Spider-Man game.

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95 / 100
Sep 8, 2018

Marvel's Spider-Man rarely has a disappointing moment. Right from the beginning a combination of high-speed action and outstanding writing creates a harmonious adventure that combines action, story-telling, and graphics for a near-perfect experience. The optional objectives can be a bit repetitive but Marvel's Spider-Man is a superhero game that rivals the excellency of the Batman: Arkham games.

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9.5 / 10.0
Sep 6, 2018

Your friendly neighborhood hero, Spider-Man has officially arrived in New York and the PlayStation 4. What is quite obvious in the game is you play as Peter Parker obviously, and in Insomniac’s Spider-Man you will be taking on all the bad guys throughout the gorgeous scenery of Manhattan with his fast, agile movements and upgrades. Not only has Peter been Spider-Man for eight years now, he is going after some of the biggest thugs in the city including the Kingpin!

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10 / 10.0
Sep 6, 2018

Marvel's Spider-Man is one spectacular and perfect game that truly captures the character.

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Sep 6, 2018

Amazing graphics and spectacular webswinging/webslinging help overcome a sometimes-frustrating camera and repetitive missions.

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Sep 4, 2018

Insomniac Games takes Marvel's most popular character for a spin and the results are fantastic. The developer establishes its own Spider-Man with a unique supporting cast and a beautiful recreation of New York to play around in. This is an absolutely beautiful game, with solid combat and a great story. Most of all, it really sells the feeling of being Spider-Man. The gaming history of Spider-Man has been uneven, but this is an amazing entry in that history. Pun intended.

9 / 10.0
Sep 3, 2018

Overall, Spider-Man is the game that a lot of people hoped it would be. An incredible traversal system that will have ironically been protoyped on a competitor’s exclusive title, a franchise with instant mainstream appeal and a story that, without giving anything away, sets things up nicely for a sequel without feeling lacking, all combine to make Spider-Man a must-play for 2018.

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4.5 / 5.0
Sep 4, 2018

Marvel's Spider-Man completely understands both the character of Peter Parker, and what it is that makes a Spider-Man game fun. Though it has more than a few technical hiccups, Spider-Man is a fantastic action game that can only improve with future installments.

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