Dreamfall Chapters Book Two: Rebels

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Dreamfall Chapters Book Two: Rebels Media
Critic Reviews for Dreamfall Chapters Book Two: Rebels
Book Two's excellent cast of characters kicks Dreamfall Chapters into action.
By ignoring so much of the first chapter's successful formula, Dreamfall Chapters: Book 2 digs into some of the larger issues that may come to shape the overall game. But the price it pays feels too steep.
The main plot of Dreamfall Chapters has still yet to begin in earnest, but the character writing and world building are more than strong enough to carry us through to the next act. A lot does happen in this second episode — fates are changed, important decisions are made and the events to come are beginning to take shape.
The main plot starts moving into gear, and with it come puzzles, decisions, and a bit too much time-wasting... but not enough to detract much from the wonderful core experience.
Not without its problems, but still compelling
In the end I can't help forgiving Chapters its sins due to my sixteen years of investment in its world.
Dreamfall Chapters Book One: Reborn was a revelation, tickling every nostalgic bone in the body, as well as introducing gripping new story elements and a thoroughly well thought-out decision making system. Book Two: Rebels starts off strong, but peters out somewhat due to too much backtracking and tiresome fetch quests. With enough likeable characters, intrigue regarding the overarching tale, and the lure of seeing how decisions already made will continue to affect future proceedings, however, this latest Dreamfall Chapters edition is well worth grinding through before diving into Book Three: Realms for more juicy revelations.
Dreamfall Chapters sheds some of the baggage associated with a traditional point and click adventure, but when I found myself in a miniature stealth section combining inventory items around an interactive but almost invisible hotspot on the floor, I wished it were travelling even lighter.