Coffee Crisis Reviews

Coffee Crisis is ranked in the 19th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
75 / 100
Jan 8, 2019

There’s definitely lots to like about Coffee Crisis, and its developers deserve credit for recreating the 90s brawler with near-perfection.

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5 / 10
May 20, 2019

Coffee Crisis on the Nintendo Switch is full of absurd and fun elements, with a plot that doesn't take itself too seriously and a memorable soundtrack that fits perfectly with the game's purpose. This would be perfect if the game could deliver on everything else with the same quality, and while Coffee Crisis certainly is enjoyable, its short length, difficulty problems and poorly roguelike elements mean that it falls short of breaking into the instant classic category, making this a mostly competent effort but which could have done so much more.

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3 / 5.0
Jun 3, 2018

In the end, though Nick and Ashley seem like cool guys, I prefer my coffee with a little less crisis.

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5 / 10
Jan 28, 2019

Coffee Crisis is a nice hommage to the traditional beat'em all games of the 90's, with a hilarious storyline. However the mechanics are too classical and redundant, causing the game to lose his interest quite quickly.

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55 / 100
Dec 26, 2018

Coffee Crisis takes the interesting concept of the classic beat ‘em up with a metal and coffee theme and attempts to run with it, only to trip over itself with a questionable implementation of modifiers that can't be selected normally, as well as bare-bones combat. All of the pieces of a quality beat ‘em up are present in this game, but it's not quite put together yet.

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6 / 10
Aug 24, 2018

Coffee Crisis is a throwback title that stays true to the intention of releasing a 16-bit brawler title with a hint of modern favor. I would have liked to see a bit more modern conveniences added to the gameplay, either through additional moves, either offensive or defensive. In my experience, the game's difficulty can spike quite high during some of the later stages on the higher difficulties, but the game is quite easy on the lower difficulty settings. If you are looking for a retro-inspired cooperative title to keep you busy for a couple of hours, Coffee Crisis is a good choice.

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Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Jan 8, 2019

Coffee Crisis is a fun throwback to the retro era. It takes a few new ideas, an interesting theme and simply has fun with things. If you are looking for a modern fighter with a variety of ideas you might want to look elsewhere. If you love metal and having fun just bashing face, then coffee crisis brews up a storm.

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5.5 / 10.0
Mar 15, 2019

In the end, Coffee Crisis is a game that weakly tries to inject some roguelike qualities into a less-than-average brawler.

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Nov 28, 2018

Many indie developers try to emulate classic games and few actually succeed at it.

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7 / 10.0
May 28, 2020

Coffee Crisis offers a brief but brutal experience filled with alien invasions, heavy metal and a relentless retro challenge, although both its punishing difficulty and niche appeal may not be to everybody’s taste.

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5 / 10.0
Nov 29, 2018

At best Coffee Crisis has a severe case of style and flash over substance. It generally looks terrific, giving serious retro-modern vibes and displays a sense of humor. That said, as a beat-em-up it’s a bare bones affair and pretty well devoid of serious strategy or opportunities for much enjoyment. With so many quality brawlers on the Switch there’s no reason to have to settle for less, I’d recommend the majority of other genre titles available over this one.

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7.1 / 10.0
Jan 14, 2019

The 16-bit charm, ‘80s style metal music, tongue-in-cheek references and simplistic gameplay makes it a fun time killer, if not a must play.

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May 8, 2018

[Y]our chances of making it through Coffee Crisis without seeing a game over screen are frustratingly luck-dependent because of the way the game handles powerups.

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