Tetra's Escape Reviews
If you're looking for a family-friendly puzzle/platformer that offers a mixture of quick satisfaction and gradually building difficulty, Tetra's Escape will certainly appeal. Its soundtrack, graphical style and general presentation are a little rough around the edges, but look past those visual first impressions and you'll find a cute little indie with puzzle chops that are more than skin deep.
TETRA'S Escape is a puzzle game that takes a while to get off the ground and to offer some challenge. After going over the way too easy beginning, the game starts picking up but the difficulty level advances in a rather erratic way and it's coupled with an unappealing audiovisual environment. TETRA'S Escape ends up being too bland for its own good, harmed by its lack of appealing challenges and of a more welcome realm.
Review in Portuguese |
Tetra's Escape is an interesting little puzzle platformer that takes its basis from Tetris. The levels provide a nice little challenge, but they never get tough or frustrating. You can beat most levels in a short time, causing the game to only take a few hours to beat. If you have a few bucks to spare for a couple hours of Tetris-based platforming, then you may want to try out Tetra's Escape.
TETRA'S Escape tries to put its best foot forward. It's appropriately priced at just $4.99 while offering extras like solid rumble and statistics. But the linear design keeps what should be a shape-shifting good time firmly in the just decent territory.
If you want something that's fun to quickly dip into, and offers a brain-teasing challenge perhaps while something more meaty installs on your hard drive, Tetra's Escape should fit the bill nicely. It's a fun twist on other block-based puzzle games, and enough new mechanics are introduced at a regular pace that it never gets stale.
TETRA's Escape is a fun and colorful puzzle game on PlayStation 4 and Vita that has plenty of stages to complete. If you want to 100% the game, then you're going to have to find the right solution that allows you to not only collect all three stars in a stage but also the trophy once it pops up. The game's controls work great and its "turn these blocks into tetrominos to create platforms you can use" is entertaining.
I'm glad to say I can actually recommend Tetra's Escape. It's by no means essential, but it's enjoyable enough to be a bit of time-killing fun.
On any given stage you’ll have a number of little blocky characters to work with...
TETRA's Escape is a simple game for completionists. One hour is enough to get all achievements and trophies, but it offers quite a bit more beyond that. It's a nice logic game, but nothing outstanding.
Review in Polish | Read full review
This game is highly recommended for anyone that would like a break from the overblown budget, crappy story, mediocre gameplay that AAA seems to have been giving you. This game is not only very cheap but it's also cross buy with the PlayStation Vita and with separate trophy lists. This means with only a small purchase price you will get two copies of the game. One to play while you are at home wanting to unwind and one to take with you on the go to fill that monotonous ride to work, school or that dreaded shopping trip with the Misses.
TETRA’s Escape is a really fun puzzle platformer which anyone can enjoy. As you traverse through its 64 levels, you’ll unlock new abilities and meet new Tetra’s which can transform into new Tetrominos in order to add more variety and strategy into each stage. If you’re a trophy hunter then you only have to complete around 70% of the game in order to get the platinum, if you’re a casual gamer then expect to get around seven hours of gameplay out of this cheap (£) game as long as you’re not working through a guide!
Tetra's Escape is a deceptively tough little puzzler. Currently priced at £3.19 it's more than good for an evening's entertainment. Give it a try.
Tetra's Escape is a fine little puzzle game packing a fair bit of time based on how well one can solve puzzles.