Katana Zero Reviews

Katana Zero is ranked in the 93rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Apr 17, 2019

Katana ZERO is far better than what should be expected of an action-platformer. The gameplay is incredibly rewarding and challenging in all the best ways, and the combat never ceases to portray the power the player has. As the main character fights for what he is told to do and to solve the lingering questions, the game does an amazing job of showing the folly of the character and even growth he goes through. Between the combination of story and gameplay, as well as a multitude of features unique in the genre, Katana ZERO stands above all others.

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A or higher
Apr 21, 2019

A Puzzle game masquerading as a 16-bit action title, Katana Zero is a thing of beauty that surprises and impresses from start to finish. A must buy game.

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6 / 10.0
Apr 18, 2019

Katana ZERO is a game that has a lot going for it. The visual style, music, branching dialogue options, and unique time bending abilities certainly separate it from the crowded pack of 2D side scrolling indie action games. Unfortunately, this isn’t enough to save it from repetitive and aggravating game play.

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9.5 / 10.0
Apr 22, 2019

Katana ZERO is a modern masterpiece with a nearly perfect aesthetic. The graphics are beautifully rendered and animated, the music masterfully composed, and the gameplay tight and satisfying. Almost every moment of this game is used meaningfully and, despite its overall relatively short play time, leaves you with a full story with enough twists and turns that keep you playing to the end and ultimately leave you satisfied.

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7.5 / 10.0
Apr 18, 2019

GOOD - Katana Zero slashes onto the Switch with breakneck action sequences that will have the player striving for perfection despite its high difficulty. Turn the volume up and zone out to the tunes of the ‘80s and enjoy a nice throwback to the decade that popularized action flicks and cyberpunk futures.

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9 / 10
Apr 17, 2019

Katana Zero is simply a very easy recommendation. From the utterly perfect mechanics tweaked to an inch of their life to the visuals, the overarching story and inner conflict of your highly skilled protagonist and his external relationships with the world around him, counteracting with the hyper-violence he calls his work, the game finds a delicate balance between ridiculously stylish action and the more subtle downbeat moments that really bring out some wonderful character development.

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8 / 10
Apr 18, 2019

Katana ZERO is an ultra-violent, samurai slashing neon-soaked mystery that's best played in one sitting, akin to a binge-worthy anime.

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Apr 18, 2019

Katana ZERO is really fantastic at providing mind-bending, reality altering sequences both in gameplay and story. While I never felt like I knew where things were going, it ultimately falls short of greatness by the end. With nothing more than a tease and a wink, the game ends, feeling unfinished with too much of a setup to continue via DLC or a sequel. That said, Katana ZERO is absolutely a worthwhile slashction platformer that does unexpected things with its story to make this a must play.

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8 / 10
Apr 18, 2019

While I can’t say I like that the game feels like it’s hiding its true conclusion behind future DLC, the package that we have right now is still damn fun to play through. If you’re not averse to some over-the-top violence, Katana Zero is definitely a game worth checking out.

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9.2 / 10.0
Apr 18, 2019

If you liked Hotline Miami, prepare to fall in love with Katana Zero. Imbued with a hard-edged 1980s aesthetic, it offers players a dense, well-written story coupled with fast-paced, blood-soaked action that’s rewarding and satisfying.

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9 / 10.0
Apr 18, 2019

Katana ZERO is pixelated samurai bliss, delivering one of the most impressively polished narrative and gameplay experiences of the year.

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Apr 18, 2019

Be the ultimate badass and kill your enemies in slow-motion. There are a lot of games that try to be like Hotline Miami, moving from area-to-area murdering with sheer ruthlessness, but few games match the execution and style like Katana Zero. Great pixel art, a wonderful use of color, and fantastic synthwave soundtrack. From start to finish, it's a fever dream worth having.