Samurai Shodown Reviews

Samurai Shodown is ranked in the 75th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Mar 2, 2020

Samurai Shodown is a fun game for the Nintendo Switch, but also seems to be a game that gets old quickly. In particular, the storylines of the various characters who run the same at certain moments can be a drawback. If you are looking for a fun, fast and at the same time slow fighting game that really gets you excited, this is a must buy for you.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jul 4, 2019

Although a bit archaic on some of the single player content Samurai Shodown manages to successfully bring its style of combat to the current generation of consoles and deliver a technical fighter that is rare to find these days.

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Oct 11, 2021

Samurai Shodown is an excellent, slower-paced fighter that is accessible for both new players and veterans of fighting games.

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86 / 100
Dec 5, 2019

The Nintendo Switch version of 'Samurai Shodown' has been ported with accuracy with the feels and controls of those from other major platforms to be able to enjoy the gameplay at its fullest. Especially with the fact that the game is more based with high damaging singular strikes rather than button-complex combos is the right fit for a portable console like the Switch. While it's unfortunate that the game wont be at it's most entertaining level to be just playing the single player mode, the Wi-Fi battles will suffice due to the console's intentional design and in regards to being conscious of knowing that the d-pad for the Switch wasn't really designed for fighting games when it comes to for character controls, If you're eager to play traditional style of fighting games, Samurai Shodown fits perfectly as a great purchase candidate.

Review in Korean | Read full review

7 / 10.0
Mar 23, 2021

Samurai Shodown maintains its identity, even after many years, while supporting the evolution of the video game market. Fans will be able to meet their favorite fighters with better graphics to increase the enjoyment of the game and also benefit from new special attacks, each always reflecting the characteristics of the characters. Neither the story of the game nor the plots of the characters are deepened, as happens for example in other titles such as Mortal Kombat, the dynamics of the game in this one remain much more similar to other types of fighting games, such as Tekken. There are no advancement bonuses provided for the playing time of the characters, nor items that can be unlocked or purchased to increase the level or attack power of the characters. But there are numerous game variations and modes: Survival, Timed, Versus and Online. On the other hand, the innovative advanced learning technology and the improvements made to the graphics unlock a whole new sector of the game that greatly increases longevity and fun by adapting to the characteristics of the player.

Review in Italian | Read full review

8 / 10.0
Mar 30, 2021

Overall Samurai Shodown for the Xbox Series X is a pretty good 1v1 versus fighter. While I may not be able to compare it to the previous generation, it does a fairly good job at what it sets out to do whether you're planning for a night in for some couch versus or if you're feeling confident enough to take your skills online.

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7 / 10
Apr 1, 2021

It’s to SNK’s enormous credit that they’ve kept the Samurai Shodown franchise fresh for long enough to deliver a game in 2021 that deserves to take its place alongside the heavy hitters of the mainstream fighting scene. Sadly, a lack of content means that it’s unlikely to be first choice for the aficionados. Still worth checking out though, especially if you’re able to give it a go at 120fps.

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8 / 10.0
Mar 29, 2021

For what it’s worth, this is where advanced players come in, as well as a bit of practice needed, to ensure you get there. That aside, this is a title that comes out as a must-have for fighting game enthusiasts looking for a ‘90s-like experience in modern times.

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7.5 / 10.0
Mar 27, 2021

If you can look past the scarcity of modes and the anemic nature of the ones on offer, Samurai Showdown Special Edition is a fantastic return of a beloved fighting game franchise. It's a refreshing option for those who might want a break or palate cleanser from the combo heavy and more bombastic fighting games that are more prevalent in the scene today.

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70 / 100
Jul 1, 2019

Samurai Shodown is a great return to form for SNK’s swordfighting series. While it seems to be going for the Street Fighter V style of release and comes with the bare minimum, at least this game includes a standard arcade mode with endings and a fun (?) final boss called Shizuka to fight against. If you don’t mind paying triple-A price to train up for this game for future fighting game tournaments -and there will be if the Neo Geo World Tour is of any indication- then go nuts and play this 2D weapons-based masterclass.

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Jun 19, 2020

Samurai Shodown is a fantastic addition to the franchise. The robust combat and amazing style make it one of the best fighters out there. The PC port itself is really solid and I had zero issues booting it up and jumping right into the game. The game only supports resolutions up to 1080p which is not an issue for me but some may be turned off by it. The only other issue I ran into was that online matches will have some lag issues. I think a better netcode would probably help out here. The game has tremendous replay value and is well worth the $49.99 price tag. If you’ve been holding out for the PC port of Samurai Shodown or haven’t picked it up yet, there is not better time than the present.

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8 / 100
Jul 11, 2020

Samurai Shodown feels like a real breath of fresh air for the beat'em-up, personally I can say that I find it very attractive to feel that I'm actually playing a game that aims to really simulate what a duel would be, forcing us to manage both defence and attack equally, and moving away from the typical button-crushing that for many people is this kind of genre.

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8 / 10
Jun 18, 2020

Samurai Shodown for the PC is an old school style fighting game that has been modernized while also staying true to its roots.

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Jun 26, 2020

“Samurai Showdown slices its way onto PC with one of the most unique fighting systems in the genre. Despite a lack of content, this is a brilliant fighter that deservers your attention.”

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Jun 15, 2020

Samurai Shodown continues in a long line of fantastic fighting games. While it may not have all the advancements of other fighting series, it continues to excel as an excellent addition to the franchise. After playing on my PC with my handy Xbox One controller, I decided that the next step is to play this on my AtGames Legends Ultimate cabinet. Playing an arcade fighting game on my own home arcade system is the icing on the cake. If you are looking for an excellent fighting game, with colorful characters, and fun environments then Samurai Shodown may be right up your alley.

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Jun 18, 2020

It’s always exciting to get the chance to play a game you truly enjoy after an extended time away from it and see that it remains just as good as you remember it.

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3.5 / 5.0
Jun 16, 2020

Despite its uneven online play and frustrating load times, Samurai Shodown is still a game that fans of the fighter genre won’t want to miss – so long as they have a few friends play against locally. With a colorful (though somewhat limited) cast of characters, a wealth of game modes, and some smart evolutions of its tried and true formula, it’s still one of the best games in the series to date. Here’s hoping the game’s PC community grows, and SNK can iron out the few kinks that hold Samurai Shodown back from being the brawler to beat.

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7 / 10.0
Aug 5, 2019

Samurai Shodown First of all, it's a good return for an old series, but if we look at this as a struggle with careful analysis and analysis, we find that there are many weaknesses in the game's design structure, most of which are due to backwardness.

Review in Persian | Read full review

85 / 100
Mar 12, 2020

Samurai Shodown is a long-awaited comeback after a rather disappointing last part. SNK has tried to bring the franchise to the present day with a reboot, and we attest that it has succeeded and with a remarkable high result. There are some tthings left to polish, like a larger player base without relying on additional downloadable characters and more game modes, but if you were a fan of the series, you're in luck, Samurai Shodown has returned.

Review in Spanish | Read full review

Feb 28, 2020

"You are already dead."

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