Zombie Driver: Immortal Edition Reviews
Zombie Driver is bad. In almost every conceivable way. It never really hits the mark on anything it attempts, leaving the player with a frustrating mess of interchangeable missions, a map that’s a chore to navigate, sluggish controls, and a story that you’ll forget before you hit the X button to close the software. You’d probably have more fun in a real zombie apocalypse.
Zombie Driver will have you sleeping at the wheel thanks to its bland and repetitive mission design.
Its combat system does not reach the highest standards and the lack of a multiplayer and online components stand out negatively but for those who don't see the latter two as priorities of the highest importance, Zombie Driver - Immortal Edition is varied and fun enough to give players some very enjoyable moments.
Review in Portuguese |
Zombie Driver: Immortal Edition is one of those games that’s terrific to have sitting on the SD card of your Switch.
Zombie Driver is everything you'd expect from a game called Zombie Driver – zombies and driving and guts splattered all over your screen. Its great.
Running around taking down the undead, racing through the streets, and mowing down creatures is honestly all you could ask.
For anyone wanting to commit some mass zombie vehicular slaughter, Zombie Driver: Immortal Edition is an absolute must-have.
Zombie Driver: Immortal Edition is an amusing distraction that is elevated thanks to the generous amounts of unlockable content. The main campaign will never get anyone emotionally invested, but then why would anyone hope to care about characters in something titled Zombie Driver? The developers knew exactly who their audience is. This is pure zombie schlock for people who are fans of the Splatterhouse games. An unapologetically gory, arcade-like experience.
With so many ways to virtually kill zombies, playing Zombie Driver in this day and age offers little more than shallow albeit satisfying fun.
It can be a bit of a challenge to rate games that have simply been around for a while when they arrive on Switch...
Amid so many independent titles that feature deep narratives or gameplay with peculiarities that set them apart, Zombie Driver: Immortal Edition does not innovate in either of these aspects, focusing even on what a game needs to offer: fun.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
Zombie Driver Immortal Edition is a game in which we will crush zombies and do not much more. But crushing zombies has never been so much fun. Not only that, but we will have various weapons to raze the undead again and again. If we add to that some Carnage and Bloody Race modes that extend the life of the title by a few more hours, we find a game that the player will greatly enjoy.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Ultimately, Zombie Driver is one of those games you pick up to play while you’re on the bus, or in the car (not driving) going somewhere. It’s a great title to pick up for a mission/round or two, but it definitely isn’t something I’d be able to sit down with for more than half an hour to an hour at a time, maximum. With the portability the Switch offers, if you use your Switch as a handheld more than a console, this may be that title to fill in the time for your weekly commute that you’ve been looking for.