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Westerado: Double Barreled

Adult Swim, Ostrich Banditos
Apr 16, 2015 - PC

OpenCritic Rating


Top Critic Average


Critics Recommend

PC Gamer
83 / 100
4 / 5
10 / 10
80 / 100
4 / 5
9 / 10
6.5 / 10
Digital Chumps
8.2 / 10
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Critic Reviews for Westerado: Double Barreled

Gunfighting can become a key-mashing hassle, but otherwise it's a very enjoyable western adventure.

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Don't let its browser game roots mislead you: Westerado is a rich and creative game that opens itself up to plenty of different approaches. If you need something to pass the time in our current gaming drought, consider picking up this Old West experience told through chunky pixels.

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Rarely do I sit down to play a game, finish it and instantly start a new playthrough; this is one of those games. Westerado is a great package with lots of replayability and can easily be recommended for fans of westerns or revenge flicks. No other experience that I've played has done revenge so well. If you've been hankerin' for a trip to the wild west saddle up and hang onto your hat, Westerado: Double Barreled is a dern tootin' good time.

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Westerado: Double Barreled has its issues, but it provides a grand adventure on a small scale and lets you find something new each time you play.

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Westerado is a unique case of a retro-inspired game with the depth of something modern. Dialogue, combat, and the story are all free to explore in several ways, from pacifistic runs to trigger-happy bloodbaths with plenty more in between. The game's early era mechanics will be a joy to nostalgically-driven gamers while also making enough concessions to contemporary players that remove most (but not all) frustrations. If you don't mind the pixelized art and a few gripes that come with it, it's well worth it to saddle up for Westerado.

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Whether you loved the original Flash version of Westerado or have yet to play it, this enhanced remake is worth downloading. It's a fine choice for fans of adventure games and Wild West lore alike. The game is always giving you something fun to do, and its open-ended nature warrants multiple playthroughs. After spending four hours walking a fine line between hero and outlaw, I'm just about ready to give this impressive game another go...and this time I'll be using a more trigger happy approach. Time to avenge my family. Again.

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Westerado: Double Barreled is great fun in quick bursts, but runs out of steam in a hurry and never recovers from its overstretched ambitions.

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Truth may be the driving force of any revenge tale, but whether Westerado's truth is fabricated, earned, implied, or rejected is left to the player. You can practically do whatever you want, and, rather than damn the consequences, Westerado makes it easier to embrace them.

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