Wildfire Reviews

Wildfire is ranked in the 67th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
May 25, 2020

Sneaky Bastards understands that stealth doesn’t have to be boring, and encourages creativity in Wildfire. With each upgrade or new passive meteor shard, I was drawn back to older levels to see if it was easier to complete a task I had to skip out on prior. The game has a great flow of risk and reward amid its stealth. Add in the emergent layer of manipulating your environment and the enemies around you, and you have a game teeming with unpredictability. Wildfire is chaotic and wonderful, all enacted by the spark of a flame.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jul 4, 2020

There are some great ideas in Wildfire, such as the way you can handle the elements to interact with the environment around you, but what we ended up getting instead was a shallow cinematic platformer with some janky controls, repetitive level design, and lots of framerate issues.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 3, 2020

Wildfire is a very interesting stealth and platform puzzle title. The game requires agility, planning and cunning in the right dose, and its rich mechanics in the use of the elements encourages the player to be creative and try out new solutions, which adds a great factor of replayability. Yes, there are some problems, such as very small graphics and some FPS drops; however, considering also the fun local multiplayer and the wide accessibility options, it is a more than recommended experience.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 13, 2020

Wildfire is a great puzzle, built with genius through intelligent techniques that influence the player's creativity in countless ways. Attention is necessary to explore this vibrant pixel art world, and the responsive controls integrated with excellent stealth gameplay provide that, and accessibility options makes it accessible for all audiences. Although eventual fps drops may slow the experience a little, the game from Sneaky Bastards is a 2D side-scrolling that values pacifism and will leave you ecstatic while playing with fire.

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8 / 10.0
Feb 5, 2021

Wildfire’s clever use of elemental powers and intuitive level design come together nicely to make for a satisfying stealth-escapade that emphasises player creativity. I loved tinkering around with my abilities and seeing how they could be best utilised to evade my foes, whilst the fact that you genuinely have to think your actions through carefully and strategize adds a satisfying sense of tension to each scenario you face. It’s just a whole lot of fun. It is guilty of seeing the frame rate stutter in busier sections which could be annoying, whilst fans of the genre might argue that the stealth mechanics could be a little bit simple in places too. If you can look past those flaws though, you’ll quickly find that Wildfire offers a genuinely enthralling adventure that certainly adds a unique (and often destructive) sense of flair to sneaking around.

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8.5 / 10.0
Dec 3, 2020

Stealth-oriented games have never typically made for my favorite experiences but there are times when the mechanic is either used wisely or it’s merely an option you have in approach...

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