10 Second Ninja Reviews

10 Second Ninja is ranked in the 44th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
8 / 10
Mar 16, 2014

10 Second Ninja is a brief but expertly built piece of work; a game that offers the most hardcore of action-platforming but does so under the guise of simplicity and accessibility.

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2 / 5.0
Apr 4, 2014

If you love the idea of speed runs and like the thrill of making every move count to beat the clock, then 10 Second Ninja might be for you. For everyone else, though, 10 Second Ninja is a repetitive and dull game, one whose philosophy on improvement is player-hostile for the entire ride.

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Mar 3, 2014

It's just that it's really a game about the levels, about solving them as puzzles. They were good enough that I enjoyed the night I spent completing it, but I don't think they're good enough – in variety, in opportunity for personal expression – for me to want to go back and perfect all of them.

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9 / 10.0
Mar 3, 2014

If you wanted to barrel through and just see all the levels, you could probably do so in a few hours. But only the very skilled will get to see the bonus levels, and before the end it's likely you'll need to back to previous levels to get the requisite amount of stars to unlock them. But it's never punishing; it's just about skill.

8 / 10
Mar 6, 2014

Sleek, action packed, thumb breaking platforming.

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Mar 14, 2014
► WTF Is... - 10 Second Ninja ? video thumbnail
Mar 4, 2014

Ultimately rewarding, 10 Second Ninja puts both your reflexes with a controller and your own personal mettle to the test for a game that can be just as hard to put down as it is to pick back up again.

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7 / 10.0
Mar 22, 2014

I liked the time spent with 10 Second Ninja, although I wish it would just a little bit less punishing.

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87 / 100
Mar 22, 2014

Why hours of failure is worth enduring for the sweet taste of victory, if only for a second. There may be a few skill hurdles to overcome at first, but once you best them, 10 Second Ninja is nothing short of sublime.

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Jan 8, 2015

10 Second Ninja moves so fast that it's over almost before you realize it's begun, but its brief length is used so effectively as a tool to making a blisteringly precise, difficult platformer accessible that it's actually the better for it.

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