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1613 games reviewed
76.5 average score
78 median score
51.3% of games recommended

Everyeye.it's Reviews

Marco Mottura
7 / 10.0 - The Medium
Sep 2, 2021

Also on PS5 The Medium confirms the strengths and weaknesses of a production at times even genuinely intriguing, but unable to stand out and to sanction that consecration of the Polish studio that many would have expected (even more so with what seemed to be the project of definitive maturity). The experience is basically identical to the one lived seven months ago on Xbox Series X, with a big difference, indeed in practice two. Even without epochal revolutions, on PlayStation 5 the DualSense adds something in terms of interaction compared to the original version, but on the Microsoft console the inclusion of the game within the Game Pass catalog weighs a lot since day one.

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Sep 1, 2021

Despite the eleven years on his shoulders, Sonic Colours is confirmed to be among the most interesting adventures of the polygonal "second life" of the hyperkinetic hedgehog. Enjoying it fully is still possible, certainly thanks to its intrinsic qualities - level design, in particular - but also to the commitment lavished by Blind Squirrel in packaging Ultimate: a remastering work of very good level, although perfectible.

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Aug 31, 2021

For those who have never played Quake, the remastered is an unmissable opportunity to fill this gap and to appreciate one of the subjective shooters that marked an era. Carmack and Romero with their desire to innovate (and their quarrels!) have taken the video game industry into a new dimension: Quake is the game that has marked - indelibly - the history of id Software.

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6.7 / 10.0 - No More Heroes 3
Aug 27, 2021

Removing everything that does not work and that is there to do "longevity", we would have had 5 sensational hours of pure videogame exploitation that we would have been ready to glorify as a cult. But the reality is that Suda51's new work for Nintendo Switch is the shadow of the No More Heroes that was, where brilliant ideas, follies, memorable moments and the same brutal combat system are watered down in a mediocre and rhythmless techno-playful context.

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7.8 / 10.0 - Axiom Verge 2
Aug 24, 2021

With his new project Thomas Happ undoubtedly chooses to take the most difficult path, creating a metroidvania that reconnects to Axiom Verge just enough to then proceed in the direction of an essentially different experience, which neglects the quality of the clashes in favor of the journey between dimensions and science fiction scenarios.

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8 / 10.0 - RiMS Racing
Aug 23, 2021

RiMS Racing is not a perfect simulation but it is a good starting point for the future. Despite a number of limitations and problems, Raceward Studio's course is distinguished by a driving model that will be loved by some, hated by others. Overall we liked it, despite a rather challenging learning curve. The Career mode offers a good number of contents even if a greater differentiation would have been appreciated, while the possibility of mounting and disassembling your own car has exalted us a lot, especially at the beginning.

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Aug 23, 2021

Aliens Fireteam Elite is a cooperative shooter without infamy and without praise that, at a budget price, allows you to spend a few hours immersed in the typical atmosphere of Xenomorph-based films in the company of a couple of friends.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Psychonauts 2
Aug 23, 2021

Classic in setting and structure, Psychonauts 2 proudly adheres to the canon of platform adventure of the early 2000s: that line of products that stood out for a certain craftsmanship in the construction of the levels and for a strong attention in the characterization of history and characters. Just like in the first chapter, the elements of originality do not come so much from the gameplay - which is still well studied and effective - as from the exuberance of the story, from the variety of situations, from the amount of unexpected and out-of-the-box sequences.

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Aug 19, 2021

The wind blowing from Iki Island, at times, knows how to be even more overwhelming than the one that crossed the horizons of Tsushima. Short but incisive, the expansion comes up with an intimate narrative, which digs even deeper into the tormented meanders of Jin's soul: it succeeds, and convinces us.

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7 / 10.0 - 12 Minutes
Aug 18, 2021

Twelve Minutes represents a videogame experiment born from a series of suggestive intuitions. The choice to set the title within the confines of a small two-room apartment, combined with the mystery that constantly permeates the work, certainly represents one of the most valuable aspects of indie published by Annapurna Interactive.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Road 96
Aug 17, 2021

Road 96 is a difficult experience to frame, and perhaps lacks the emotional impact of Valiant Hearts or the artistic delicacy of 11-11 Memories Retold. However, some ideas remain worthy of being discovered, such as the courage to give the role of the protagonists to a small number of co-stars and the messing up of their stories along the lines of Pulp Fiction.

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9 / 10.0 - Humankind
Aug 16, 2021

Humankind, in short, raises the quality standards of the 4X game, placing itself as the perfect "rival" of Civilization. This net of some gleanings that could be filed through future updates and safe expansions. If you're a lover of this genre, you can't really skip the date with Amplitude's work. The future, full support for mods and the world editor will help to enrich the title seamlessly.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Cuccchi
Aug 15, 2021

Cuccchi is available on Nintendo Switch and Playstation, as well as on the website of the Enzo Cucchi Archive and the main mobile stores. According to the words of those who Cuccchi thought, conceived and created it, it will be constantly updated with other works of the master and, therefore, new worlds to explore. After all, it is an archive in videogame form that will be composed over time to make the production of Enzo Cucchi immortal, becoming at the same time a work of art in its own right.

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Aug 13, 2021

One of the most beautiful surprises of this 2021: Greak: Memories of Azur is really a title that will make the happiness of all lovers of "Metroidvania" or even better of "MetroidVaTrine". The artistic realization is mind-blowing, while the gameplay takes up the best of the action platformers and multiplies it by three.

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6.5 / 10.0 - FORECLOSED
Aug 12, 2021

Once at the end credits the feeling that leaves Foreclosed is that of a missed opportunity, of a good basic idea rendered only half, of the bitter taste in the mouth for what could have been a small, big surprise on the part of the Italian independent scene. Let's be clear, the title signed Antab Studio has arrows to its bow. Using the different cybernetic powers of Evan Kapnos is a pleasure and offer enough variety to the fights, and the cyberpunk atmospheres that you breathe are engaging enough to push you to want to get to the bottom without stopping.

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The Siege of Paris rests solidly on the playful and technical foundations of Assassin's Creed Valhalla, and in some respects does not reach the scenic heights of Eivor's Irish journey. France is an open world less beautiful to look at and more contained in terms of extension, but more dense and varied on the front of activities.

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Marco Mottura
9.2 / 10.0 - Hades
Aug 10, 2021

Hades was an undisputed masterpiece eleven months ago on PC and Nintendo Switch, and it is also confirmed as such in PlayStation and Xbox format. The edition intended for the Sony and Microsoft platforms is in all ways identical to the original, with just appreciable improvements in terms of resolution on the most recent machines, where the glance of 4K is noticeable in exalting the theatrical staging of an ancient Greece very different from the canons and full of personality.

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7.3 / 10.0 - Jupiter Hell
Aug 8, 2021

Jupiter Hell is a richer, more concrete and enjoyable version of Doom, the Roguelike, from which it borrows the original concept. The result is a more than valid exponent of the genre, which mixes action, strategy and a pinch of rpg without ever being too frustrating, thanks to a good balance and the possibility of selecting different levels of challenge.

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8 / 10.0 - GRIME
Aug 5, 2021

A bit like in his own world, in Grime imperfection is the master. This, however, does not prevent him in the least from shining and soaring like the protagonist himself, a Sculpted hated by the creatures that swarm the ravines. Clover Bite's first work is a metroidvania of the highest level, perhaps not fully original, thanks to a skilful mix of mechanics and artistic styles borrowed from numerous media and works, but absolutely successful, able to give a punitive experience, but for most of the adventure right and not too frustrating.

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7 / 10.0 - Omno
Aug 4, 2021

Inspired and delicate on the visual and musical side, Omno's journey does not convince to the end, also thanks to a somewhat hasty ending and a moral conveyed with slight superficiality.

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