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The Games Machine

1889 games reviewed
79.5 average score
80 median score
61.1% of games recommended

The Games Machine's Reviews

7 / 10.0 - Pepper Grinder
Apr 8, 2024

A fluid and dynamic action-platformer with great potential, flawed by a too rigid structure, limited longevit and some annoying bugs that spoil the experience. A metroidvania with these dynamics could give an eventual sequel the breathing room this project needed.

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6.4 / 10.0 - Millennia
Apr 8, 2024

Truly, a game of paradox (pun intended). The concept of Ages is exciting but the way it is implemented forces players into science-focused gameplay. The system of resources is meant for hardcore player, but others like diplomacy and international economy are half-baked to say the least. This game wasn't ready for release.

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Apr 4, 2024

Death Noodle Delivery is a fascinating project in theory but the magic ends after a couple of hours of completing the game. Few mechanics, a constant vulgarity in the script and a general feeling of having an incomplete game in your hands.

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8.3 / 10.0 - Open Roads
Apr 3, 2024

Open Roads is an extremely classic narrative adventure that nevertheless offers a mature and passionate story. The game design focuses on the key engines of the many productions of this type and succeeds in the complex attempt to prove pleasant and surprising. A production that, without a doubt, has its own personality. Exactly like that of Annapurna Interactive, one might say.

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7.8 / 10.0 - Slice, Dice & Rice
Apr 3, 2024

What if during the jump from mobile to PC you lose some attractiveness and do not try to remedy it in any way? Slice & Dice's formula, perfect on smartphones, is a bit poor on the desktop, and there is nothing to do but decide which dice to roll and which enemy to attack, hoping for an interesting drop or the arrival of a stronger character. The strategic component would be interesting, thanks to gameplay that allows us to know the moves of monsters in advance, but it is all too simple and too tied to luck. The multiple options and situations make it a good game, but not the expected masterpiece.

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7.8 / 10.0 - Terra Memoria
Apr 2, 2024

Terra Memoria confirms itself to be neither more nor less than what the trailers and images suggest: a truly cozy Western JRPG. It's an RPG with a modern feel that is an ode to the great classics of the past and, at the same time, to the importance of the journey even before the destination, a cute and cuddly indie work just like its furry protagonists.

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7.9 / 10.0 - One Last Breath
Mar 28, 2024

One Last Breath is a puzzle platformer with a very good narrative idea and a satisfying realization. Unfortunately the puzzles are very banal and some maps are made with very little care.

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8.2 / 10.0 - MLB The Show 24
Mar 26, 2024

Speaking in purely numerical terms, MLB The Show 24 could almost be called 23 1/2. The novelties present are more quantitative than qualitative, with a game structure that follows the path of the past edition without the slightest deviation. What has changed is mainly the content, among which the excellent second season dedicated to the Negro League and the section starring Derek Jeter stand out. Not much to report about Road To The Show, Franchise and Diamond Dynasty, which remain on discrete/good levels without the addition of particular extras that impact considerably on the gaming experience. No particular flaws in the technical sector, which would however need some cleaning and global modernization, with particular attention to the players' models.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Highwater
Mar 25, 2024

Highwater è un videogioco efficace ed essenziale, ben scritto e forte di una trama sicura di sé e di un contesto capace di colpire nel segno. È un prequel che riesce a incastrarsi in modo unico alle esperienze del passato, con il team che ha abbracciato un sistema di combattimento a turni ottimamente implementato ma non così profondo. È un'avventura dinamica che fonda il suo fulcro totale sulla narrativa.

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Mar 25, 2024

Horizon Forbidden West for PC is the best adventure starring Aloy, even on not the most powerful configurations. All the magic of Guerrilla Games' game has been delivered uncompromisingly and will engage you for several hours as you explore, fight and experience a beautifully narrated and wonderfully portrayed story, accompanied by a soundtrack worthy of a top-notch film production.

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8 / 10.0 - Bears in Space
Mar 22, 2024

Despite appearances, Bears In Space is an FPS that knows what it's doing. Bullet hell and platforming, weapons to upgrade and secrets to find, madness galore, infernal boss fights and gameplay deviations, there really is a bit of everything in this bizarre Australian title which may not be perfect, but where it is written that a video game necessarly have to be one to be fun?

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8.2 / 10.0 - EMPTY SHELL
Mar 22, 2024

Empty Shell is a twin stick shooter with a horror-themed top-down view, similar in gameplay to Hotline Miami but with a less frenetic pace and a completely different look, here entirely in grayscale with various filters to simulate the now ancient CRT monitors. The variety of weapons and enemies is quite good, and when life points start to run low, there is a certain anxiety about opening the next door without knowing what we will be fighting. The gameplay is simple and the story picks up the classic experiment where everything went wrong, however the dark and claustrophobic atmosphere will manage to capture even the most demanding players.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Rise of the Ronin
Mar 21, 2024

Rise of the Ronin is a samurai amusement park, an open-world adventure with an excellent combat system, in which the abundance of activities might distract you from a compelling and well-told storyline. It is closer to an Assassin's Creed than a souls-like or any of Team Ninja's earlier games and could have been even better if from a technical standpoint it had been less problematic.

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Mar 21, 2024

Princess Peach gives proof of great transforming talent in this her second "solo" adventure. Ten transformations take turns in levels filled with mini-games and secrets. A colorful and fun game marked by a low level of difficulty, which penalizes longevity and targets it mainly at a very young or novice audience.

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8 / 10.0 - Slave Zero X
Mar 20, 2024

Slave Zero In fact, this is what the project bases its roots on: the player's learning to strengthen themselves and improve their skills. It's a shame for the absence of an endgame, which could have really brought the score you see further down even higher.

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9 / 10.0 - Dragon's Dogma 2
Mar 20, 2024

Dragon's Dogma 2 is an extremely addictive open-world action game, with a combat system that is virtually flawless and has a huge map full of secrets to explore. It follows a philosophy all its own and for this it deserves to be rewarded, but the optimization problems that plague the PC version tested during the review do not allow it to achieve excellence, at least for the moment.

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Mar 19, 2024

Alone in the Dark is, unfortunately, a missed opportunity. Despite an absolutely fascinating aesthetic and artistic structure, the game encounters terrible technical problems, so much so that it affects the performance of the game itself in terms of gameplay mechanics.

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Mar 19, 2024

We are not at the mythical levels of the first episode, it is evident. Outcast – A New Beginning is a sequel without infamy and without praise, net of a nostalgia effect which inevitably has its weight but cannot justify every shortcoming. Strengths and weaknesses are almost equal when it's time to take stock, appreciating it or not depends a lot on how much importance you give to both. This is one of those cases in which the price doesn't play in the work's favor, however with a discount it might be worth giving it a chance because there is only one Cutter Slade.

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8.1 / 10.0 - Last Epoch
Mar 18, 2024

Last Epoch is a hack and slash isometric RPG that is graphically well made but above all accessible to a non-hardcore audience. You progress without great difficulty and dying does not involve any particular penalties as seen in soulslikes. The few and trivial starting classes can generate thousands of different builds thanks to specializations, crafting, perks and talents to be assigned in the skill tree. History, as always, plays a marginal role, but the introduction of time travel makes it interesting to wander through the same regions in various eras. Handling the Endgame will determine long-term success, but at the moment it's an RPG worth checking out.

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Mar 15, 2024

The Legend of Legacy HD is the high-definition translation of the Nintendo 3DS video game of the same name. It is a Japanese role-playing game clearly aimed at the audience of enthusiasts looking for inscrutable game mechanics, but it hardly manages to make itself attractive in any way to the general public.

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