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Games Xtreme

209 games reviewed
81.3% of games recommended

Games Xtreme's Reviews

Recommended - Slime-san
Aug 2, 2017

A solid, straightforward throwback to a very specific point in time, Slime-San is a game that makes no mistakes in executing what it is. And what it is, is pretty damn fun.

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Jul 31, 2017

Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun is a great game, one that has a ton of replay value and allows you to experiment with various ways to achieve your mission objectives. If you're a fan of Commandos from the old days, then this game will bring that back with a modern gameplay twist.

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Recommended - Pressure Overdrive
Jul 30, 2017

It's a straightforward game that executes well on a straightforward premise. It doesn't ask too much of you, and is well worth what it's asking.

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Essential - Splatoon 2
Jul 27, 2017

It's everything that made the first Splatoon good, but now there's more of it, there's new modes, and need I remind you, it's portable. A top-notch entry in what's fast becoming a beloved franchise.

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No Recommendation / Blank - DeadCore
Jul 18, 2017

Some interesting concepts mesh better than expected, but a rough-on-launch port really shows how it doesn't quite mesh to the console experience.

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Jul 3, 2017

Sega doesn't know what to do with the series and Valkyria Revolution suffers because of it.

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Recommended - The Town of Light
Jul 2, 2017

Worth getting yes, to everyone's taste maybe not. But for those wanting an insight to the world of mental illness and perhaps some understanding of it, then look no further.

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Recommended - The Tenth Line
Jun 26, 2017

This love-letter to JRPGs of the 90s carries some rough edges. But those mostly serve to give the game more character, and keep it more interesting than the polished balls of nothingness that so often came out back then.

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Jun 21, 2017

Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic is a solid distillation of a lot of the appeal of classic computer and tabletop RPGs, stripped of a lot of the rust that can make the old classics hard to play these days.

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Recommended - Nex Machina
Jun 19, 2017

High-octane arcade style action, and constant replaying for mastery and delicious high scores, isn't for everyone. But this is an absolutely fantastic example of them, and well worth your time if you're compatible.

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Unscored - Tekken 7
Jun 8, 2017

Tekken 7 is another solid entry in the series, with new tweaks that fit seamlessly into the core fighting system. The single-player content leaves a lot to be desired, though.

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Essential - Prey
Jun 7, 2017

Prey is a great game, one of the classic science fiction games that combines thoughtful design with kick-ass exploration and player choice -- you don't want to miss this one, just watch out for the photocopier -- I thought I saw it move!

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Recommended - Victor Vran
Jun 6, 2017

Whilst it doesn't have the same breadth and scope as Diablo 3, Victor Vran has some great gameplay, solid combat action and delivers a decent experience that's miles better than some Diablo clones out there. Worth checking out if you're looking for more action adventure monster slaying!

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No Recommendation / Blank - Her Majesty's SPIFFING
May 27, 2017

If you are looking for a Mass Effect multi path adventure then look elsewhere but if you are looking for something fun, retro style and above all entertaining then this will be right up your alley. Play with an open mind and your tongue in cheek. Good fun.

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Games Xtreme
Pio Ferreras
May 24, 2017

The final Fire Emblem on 3DS is both different and familiar at the same time. Shadows of Valentia perfectly caps off the series' 3DS run with a thrilling adventure that pushes all the right buttons for a remake.

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Recommended - Yooka Laylee
May 23, 2017

The Level design of the actual worlds is great with both the large levels and the interesting ability to morph the levels. Each world is inhabited by an eclectic cast of humorous supporting character and gives the worlds a distinctive feel with a fantastic soundtrack that is just the icing on the cake of nostalgia.

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Essential - Portal Knights
May 18, 2017

I've not had this much fun with any Minecraft style game for a while now, and the clever design of Portal Knights in terms of how it offers the adventure keeps me jumping back in. I take a break now and then to add a bit more to my home area, craft a few more bits of equipment when I have my resources and look to improving my storage at my home workshop. When a game can draw you in like this and the minutes turn into hours, you know you've got a good game with a solid foundation that the developers keep on building atop of. I've seen Portal Knights transform from the PC original build to where it is today, and honestly, I can't wait to see what they do next!

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Recommended - Macbat 64
May 16, 2017

There's no fatalities, no headshots... Macbat64 is honest good fun in the same way you enjoyed roaming about with a bear and a bird in his backpack once upon a time. But £5 for an hour of gameplay? That part would be left up for you to decide!

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Essential - The Surge
May 15, 2017

The Surge is a refreshing take on the *Souls formula, it joins Nioh in that regard and forges its own path towards something quite unique and extremely interesting -- it's a definite must-own game for *Souls fans and could entice new players with its gritty sci-fi setting.

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Recommended - Mass Effect Andromeda
May 10, 2017

I'd have loved to say Must Buy on this, but the raft of bugs early on and the fact that it just doesn't quite hit the spot as one of those must-have games even for a fan like me meant that it missed out on our top result. Still, it is a fun game and you may want to grab it down the line.

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