Hitman 3 Reviews

Hitman 3 is ranked in the 95th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
10 / 10.0
Jan 19, 2021

Hitman 3 is a fantastic capstone to a standout series. Yes, a lot of what you experience will seem familiar if you've played the last two games, but IO Interactive continues to take interesting risks that largely play off while still perfecting the elements that make Hitman so special. The best compliment I can pay Hitman 3 is that I want to finish writing this review so I can go back to playing it.

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9 / 10.0
Jan 19, 2021

Chances are we aren’t going to be placed in control of Agent 47 again; at least for a fair while, anyway. But with Hitman 3, IO Interactive has at least made sure he’s had a worthy send-off.

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Jan 18, 2021

Hitman 3 brings to a close one of gaming's great trilogies with one last display of immaculate level design and intoxicating mood from IO Interactive.

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8.5 / 10.0
Feb 1, 2021

Overall, Hitman 3 is an enjoyable game but feels like a lackluster installment to a renowned trilogy. It is easy to see why other outlets have scored the game highly; however, it does feel like some of the high scores are inflated due to nostalgia or release hype. The game is a good installment but does not feel like an end title. Hopefully, in the future, IO Interactive will fix some of the bugs and allow players to alter the controller layout. So should you buy Hitman 3? The easy answer is yes but not immediately. Hitman 3 is a solid game but it doesn’t feel worth its 60 dollars asking price. Why pay 60 dollars for a game you can perfect in 12 hours when there are games that can offer you over 40 hours of gameplay for the same price. 30 to 40 Dollars seems like a fair purchase price for this game, but it ultimately comes down to how you value the game.

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9 / 10.0
Feb 9, 2021

It's the best action shooter series out at the moment for sure.

Jan 24, 2021

If you've played the other two games in the World of Assassination trilogy then you owe it to yourself to finish the narrative in Hitman 3. If not, well, the ability to play all the games in one location makes this an almost essential purchase. If you like sneaking around and playing dress up with guns, Hitman 3 is for you.

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Worth Playing
Andreas Salmen
Top Critic
6.8 / 10.0
Jan 31, 2022

Overall, Hitman 3 VR is a fun distraction when treated as an additional mode and nothing more. If you've played the game in VR on the PlayStation, this is essentially the same thing with minor improvements, several of which turned out to be useless. It's a shame given the potential and how well the fundamentals have come together, but it pales in comparison to what consumers expect from a VR port. In its current state, Hitman VR feels like a one-man modding attempt rather than a big-budget studio investing resources to make it a worthwhile addition. If you were banking on getting a polished VR experience out of Hitman 3, this is not it. With a few patches or mods, that could change in the future, and I sincerely hope it does.

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Game Volt
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Mar 8, 2021

We cannot wish for a better end than this.

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Oyungezer Online
Ali Sezgin
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Jan 26, 2021

Hitman 3 delivers a good ending to an already great series.

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Worth Playing
Andreas Salmen
Top Critic
8.6 / 10.0
Feb 19, 2021

Hitman 3 VR is easily the best free VR addition to any game yet. It has technical flaws, but if you're able to work through and around them, the result is nothing short of unadulterated sandbox fun as a globetrotting hitman. Owning a PSVR headset makes Hitman 3 on PS4 an even more remarkable game and seriously worth a look, especially if you're a fan of the series and its signature gameplay.

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PSX Brasil
Top Critic
85 / 100
Feb 4, 2021

Hitman 3 has some issues, like its duration and a little sameness. However, the addition of the first two games to the package added enormous value to the series, making it one of the most interesting titles to play on PlayStation 5.

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8.5 / 10.0
Feb 3, 2021

The 2016 Hitman was one of my favorite games of the year, and the same could be said for the follow-up. As I said before, it truly made assassination a game, and an extremely replayable one at that. Hitman III is an excellent third act, and it will probably stay as one of the more fun titles you can have in your early PS5 library.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jan 27, 2021

Hitman 3 is a great ending for Agent 47's journey in the new Hitman trilogy. Level design is at its best in Hitman 3 and even though there are some issues with AI and gunplay, but still the level design and the perfect stealth opportunities it provides make up for them. There are 6 levels at launch, but the amazing replay value makes playing them over and over very fun and engaging.

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9 / 10.0
Jan 29, 2021

HITMAN 3 gives a step forward to close the World of Assassination trilogy with a bang. Its and excellent game that fulfills the potentials of its ideas. Is not a perfect kill, but it is a well done job.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jan 29, 2021

I myself originally bounced off the tutorial sections of the first Hitman when it was free to PlayStation Plus members, but I've seen the error of my ways. Even though there may be a time when more people have better online access and cloud gaming becomes viable for Switch owners, such is not the case today. It doesn't take a Sherlock Holmes, a Poirot, or a Phoenix Wright to see through the disgraceful disguise that is Hitman 3 - Cloud Version. Seek out the genuine Agent 47 article elsewhere.

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77 / 100
Jan 27, 2021

With the new trilogy coming to an end and Agent 47 yielding to 007, the developers have finally stuck the landing thanks to a few smart tweaks to design, mechanics, and tone. It's a shame it took until the final chapter to deliver on the potential.

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Mahdi Maleki
Top Critic
8.7 / 10.0
Jan 26, 2021

Hitman 3 with exciting gameplay, good characterization, acceptable story and of course remarkable music, not only becomes the best version of its franchise, but will It also becomes one of the best in the stealth genre. Io Interactive Apart from creating an enjoyable and reproducible experience, deals with the problems that have been seen in franchise since the 2016 like the area of local voice acting, animations and most importantly, artificial intelligence. So while HItman 3 is not totally a complete game, it is one of the best games on the market to experience.

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9 / 10
Jan 27, 2021

Hitman 3 is the perfect ending to this saga and the best entry in the entire series, with the freedom it gives to the player and with its endless gameplay possibilities, Hitman 3 set the standard high for the stealth genre.

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9 / 10.0
Jan 27, 2021

Hitman 3 is one of the best Hitman games ever made, with truly engaging gameplay, insane replay values and great visuals. Hitman 3 acts as a perfect finale for the latest trilogy in the series, and it seems that IOI will drop the franchise for a while to focus on the 007 series, hopefully with the same level of drive and ambitions.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jan 26, 2021

HITMAN 3 is a satisfying conclusion to the World of Assassination trilogy, but makes a few missteps that make the game feel less impactful. This game is a must-buy for any Agent 47 fanatics and is a promising sign that Hitman is still relevant in the modern games industry.

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