Outriders Reviews

Outriders is ranked in the 51st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10.0
Apr 22, 2021

The thing that makes or breaks a live looter shooter is it’s ongoing support. I’m excited to see where Outrider’s endgame may go and what tweaks may be made to improve the game in the year’s to come. Outriders was a surprisingly solid looter-shooter and I haven’t been as addicted to a game of this type since the original Destiny launched back in 2014. Whether you play completely solo or with a group of friends, there’s a lot to keep you engaged and coming back to Outriders even though it does have some hurdles to overcome.

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Apr 8, 2021

I’m not sure Outriders will live long in the memory, but it’s a damn enjoyable ride while it lasts.

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5.5 / 10.0
Apr 6, 2021

This is a strange beast of a game, compromised on numerous fronts yet undeniably sincere and energetic at its core. Its haphazard plot and profound design flaws threaten to squash the game’s modest success at delivering a fun combat system. Those capable of overlooking an abundance of issues may find Outriders to be decent action fare, but otherwise it’s best to look elsewhere.

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Apr 12, 2021

If you're absolutely craving a new game that has tight gunplay and a loot loop that you can get into for a long period of time, Outriders definitely isn't your worst option. But if you have played a litany of games like this over the past few years, I'm hard-pressed to think that there is anything about this one that will resonate with you on a greater level.

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7 / 10.0
Apr 15, 2021

An addictive gameplay loop that’s worth it for fans of shoot and loots willing to put up with some serious launch woes, but a wait and see for the rest of us.

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5 / 10.0
Apr 28, 2021

So where does it all land? Like I said at the beginning, it landed me at “interesting.” I genuinely have an incredible time with the gameplay, especially when I’m playing co-op. I think the different character abilities that come with the classes are all really well designed and work beautifully to create different combinations in combat, both within a single character class and with other players. The fun I have with the core gameplay, though, does not lessen the frustration and issues I have with the difficulty balancing, consistent network issues, and the ultimately poor story—which has a disappointing ending that could have been so much more. What we’re left with is a game that feels tragically half-finished, because it was halfway to greatness.

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6.5 / 10.0
Apr 18, 2021

After a positive impression from the demo version, we bumped into a game that was less than expected, the fun of the gameplay loop and the looting system did not make up for the poor story and its boring tasks, and the poor quality of the servers that made matters worse, as it was an incomplete experience that reminds me of the game Anthem

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7 / 10.0
Apr 6, 2021

Overall, Outrider’s gameplay and customization are enough to satisfy the loot-hungry players. While its story misses the mark on multiple occasions, it’s gripped me enough to continue pushing through the post-game content.

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Apr 12, 2021

Outriders may feel like a game from another era, with some structural design flaws, but it managed to be plenty of fun. I would easily recommend it to those looking for a new co-op game to enjoy with their friends, as the gameplay is fast, addictive, challenging and rewarding, successfully combining elements of adored games such as Borderlands, Destiny and Gears. The main problem though is the technical problems that drag down the experience.

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Top Critic
6.5 / 10.0
Apr 8, 2021

Outriders is the new looter shooter from People Can Fly and Square Enix. It takes you to the planet Enoch, where mankind has to fight to survive and earn its place among the wild animals and hostile factions. It's got some great ideas, but lacks an interesting story and more importantly, good loot.

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3.5 / 5.0
Jun 10, 2021

Fans of both RPGs and shooters can get a lot out of it, but they shouldn’t expect a revolutionary game, for it is a mixed bag of interesting features and cliches. Even though the journey is enjoyable, Outriders is neither a strong contender in the RPG elite nor in the shooting universe.

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Jun 8, 2021

Outriders isn’t the best game or even the most fun game I’ve ever played, but it is a damn good time. In a world where looter-shooters are often incredibly grindy, Outriders never quite made it feel like it was a grind. It’s a competent, flashy shooter whose campaign overstays its welcome near the end, but it’s a blast to play with friends, who can drop in and out of games at any time.

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7 / 10
Apr 12, 2021

Outriders isn't good, but isn't bad either. It has its strong sides, such as duels, which keep a number of negatives at bay; for example in the presentation of a mediocre story. Still, you can enjoy the game and make more out of it if you play with your friends. But it's definitely not for everyone.

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May 24, 2021

At first glance, Outriders may not seem like the kind of game suited to many third-person shooters and cover-shooter players. Given time to reach and be immersed in the game’s best features, however, will showcase incredibly well-written characters, great gunplay, and good RPG-light elements – all of which allow Outriders to stand as one of the better looter-shooters currently available. The game has no hints at all of a live service title, which is a huge breath of fresh air, and has a campaign that is decidedly single-player focused – a rarity these days. All of these facets come together to create the title that is Outriders, and it is great. Sure, there are a few things the game can improve upon, but as far as modern looter-shooters go, Outriders is very good and worth it for the long haul.

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7 / 10.0
Apr 9, 2021

Outriders is not the most innovating title and doesn't really deliver the greatest experience in its genre. Nevertheless, when playing in coop and if you're fan of the genre, you could quickly forget the flaws and enjoy the experience. The game is going to have to bring a lot of additionnal content quickly if it hopes to keep an active community.

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7.5 / 10.0
Apr 24, 2021

I would recommend Outriders to those that are looking for a new take on The Division. If you can put up with the bland story, you might really enjoy Outriders’ gameplay. It’s a pretty typical looter shooter with a decent co-op mode, especially if you have friends.

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Apr 29, 2021

Outriders is still a great game. In a lot of ways, it’s the absolute best iteration of the looter shooter genre out there. The repetition is a bummer, but the combat, class, and loot system are worth riding it out for. The amount of playstyle customization you have access to is a true anomaly.

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Apr 28, 2021

If you’re looking for a fun time looting and shooting, and don’t mind skimping a little on the trappings, than this is definitely worth giving a chance to.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 24, 2021

Even with these problems, I had an absolute blast in Enoch, and I still am. The game doesn’t end when the credits roll, and there’s still so much left I can do. Not to mention, I could always re-roll another class.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 25, 2021

Despite not being revolutionary or without issues, Outriders delivers one of the most complete looter shooters experiences out there today.

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