Outriders Reviews

Outriders is ranked in the 51st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
5 / 10
May 6, 2021

Gears of War meets Destiny… and the end result is mediocre. Take away the "coolness" of playing a gun totting superhero, and all you are left with is basically one more generic looter shooter, that doesn't manage to impress, neither with its repetitive gameplay, nor with its boring story and world building. Add to that a couple of technical and network issues, and you are in for a - pricey - treat.

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5.5 / 10.0
May 5, 2021

Outriders feel like a game designed by two different teams with no communication. The result is a discordant third person combat experience that arrives 10 years late.

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Oyungezer Online
Sabri Erkan Sabancı
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Apr 9, 2021

Outriders is a looter shooter inspired by Diablo and does justice to its inspiration. I hope they will add stuff to keep players busy.

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5 / 10.0
Apr 23, 2021

Outriders is a boring game to play solo, with a lack of any real end-game content and bugs that may wipe all of your progress it's probably best to wait for a sale for this one.

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7.5 / 10.0
Apr 22, 2021

Despite the many loading screens and some issues, the game will give you hours of entertaining gameplay, it might take you a while before you shelf it.

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7.5 / 10.0
Apr 13, 2021

At first glance Outriders might look like some other shooters such as Destiny or The Division, but its complicated and diverse combat help it stand alone and impress, and with some better support and polish can easily challenge other loot shooters in the market.

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62 / 100
Apr 11, 2021

Although it features moments of satisfying action and a few good end-game design tweaks, the majority of Outriders experience consists of conflicting design ideas, technical issues in multiplayer, and poorly implemented borrowed mechanics.

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85 / 100
Apr 10, 2021

Outriders is the best release among the various looter shooters that have come out in recent years and has great potential ahead. Gameplay is the biggest highlight here, but it will need more content to maintain the success achieved and overcome some flaws. Despite the technical problems faced at its launch, the title is more than recommended for anyone looking for a new loot game.

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Top Critic
7.8 / 10.0
Apr 10, 2021

Outriders ends up being a surprisingly addictive experience that mixes in intense shootouts, a unique mix of class-based abilities, a healthy loot system, and a fun approach to upgrading your skills/gear. Exploring every nook and cranny of Enoch brings you to an assortment of different climates and locales, plus you’ll come to enjoy most of the personalities you’ll interact with within each one.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 10, 2021

Surprisingly good compilation of the best gameplay mechanics of the genre.

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8.5 / 10.0
Apr 8, 2021

Festive amount of sci-fi action with brutal, but amusing future.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 7, 2021

‎Outriders is a game that surprised me. The demo couldn't get my hopes up. But with the full game I have come across things that I have really liked, like its lore, and its rawness, but also others that discourage, like its maps with unnatural coverages. It is a game that takes time to take rhythm, but that works well in all its aspects, without standing out too much in any of them. Perhaps the best thing about it is its cooperative component, which greatly improves the experience.‎

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7.5 / 10.0
Apr 7, 2021

Outriders provides a lot of exciting clashes, but the experience of many players can be destroyed by the fight against servers. However, I believe that the Poles did not say the last word and soon all inconveniences will be eliminated.

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8 / 10
Apr 6, 2021

Outriders really has taken us completely by surprise. This is a game that gets off to a pretty bad start but, once the combat kicks off properly, quickly reveals itself to be one of the slickest and most addictive looter shooters we've played in a long while. Launch weekend has been a mess of server issues, for sure, but stick with what People Can Fly has dished up here and you'll find yourself handsomely rewarded. This one comes highly recommended.

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6.8 / 10.0
Apr 6, 2021

I'm hooked. I love Outriders' shooting, skill, and loot mechanics and how they work together to form a highly addicting co-op shooter. While it has a lot of features that I'm not fond of, the core gameplay is solid enough to easily carry the rest of the experience. If you're into looter shooter or dungeon crawler games, Outriders will scratch that itch - if you can play it. With its current matchmaking and server issues, we cannot help but score it lower than we'd like. Whenever the technical issues are resolved, the experience could be as high as 8.3, making Outriders a co-op shooter that's well worth experiencing either alone or with friends.

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Mahdi Maleki
Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Apr 5, 2021

Outriders got the best elements of looter-shooters and mixed those with RPG elements, then promoted the mixture as much as possible. The gameplay is incredibly entertaining thanks to its attractive mechanics, solid shooting system, fun looting and well-implemented classes with various powers. Also the story of Outriders alongside its rich lore, give you more reasons to deep dive in the game's world and have fun for many hours. Solo or Co-op, don't miss the Outriders.

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80 / 100
Apr 1, 2021

You will struggle to find another third-person shooter that has innovated as much on the formula as Outriders, not since Gears of War took the genre to new heights. The combat is absolutely incredible, the classes ooze with potential and development, the world is gritty and engaging, and the ability to enjoy all of this alongside good friends just heightens the entire experience.

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6.5 / 10.0
Apr 13, 2021

If you have the patience for it, I highly suggest that you give this game a try. Its combat mechanic is one of the best in its genre in years. Unlike its contemporaries in the same field, which are stereotyped as having vanilla storylines, this game’s story is engaging and awe-inducing. When this game works, it will send you on a fantastic journey worth going through. As soon as it fails, however, it fails tremendously. If that’s something you don’t have the patience for, just wait for a couple of months for updates and for the game’s server to become stable.

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70 / 100
May 7, 2021

Outriders is a solid, action-packed game with challenging AI and a satisfying loot system. However, it lacks excellence in narrative, plot, and technical aspects. Best enjoyed with friends.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 12, 2021

Outriders is a fantastic third person shooter with addictive loot mechanics, fun superhuman powers, and a solid narrative anyone without an aversion to foul language can enjoy.

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