Resident Evil Village Reviews
Resident Evil Village is a survival horror of the highest rehearsal, which is the culmination of a fantastic period in the history of the series.
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I never wanted to stop playing Village
A rich and diverse experience melding a variety of environments and gameplay styles, one that lacks focus and clarity, especially compared to the previous entry, but one that nevertheless warrants experiencing.
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Step into the new era of horror with Resident Evil Village, the 8th installment in the beloved franchise, leaping forward to a new generation!
Resident Evil Village stands tall as one of the best entries in the series and one of the best gaming experiences of the year.
Resident Evil Village is just incredible. It is a mixture of what was established with Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 7 biohazard, but it manages to have its own identity and offers a unique experience. The gameplay is fun, challenging and features smart puzzles. Fear, as well as tension, are also present in much of the journey. The only flaws are the Mercenaries mode and the story that may not appeal to everyone.
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An exhilarating adventure that encapsulates the grandest Resident Evil experience.
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I enjoyed my time in Village to a large extent. I can’t quite claim this to be a masterpiece but it is definitely a must have. Whether you’re new or old to the franchise, Resident Evil Village is a delightfully thrilling experience for connoisseurs of horror.
In the end, Resident Evil Village is not a perfect experience but it is still an awesome one and easily the best of the recent games in the series. It's scary, suspenseful, grounded in relatable human drama, and an overall blast to play; I highly recommend giving it a shot.
Though less terrifying when compared to its predecessor, and by no means a game that will require a change of pants, Village still offers one of the most gripping, immersive and thrilling experiences in the entire franchise. Intricate level design and captivating audio combined with smooth gameplay and gunplay create an unforgettable survival horror experience. As a direct sequel, fans of RE7 will get the most out of the game’s characters and narrative, though newcomers will easily be able to dive into the horror without feeling too lost.
Resident Evil Village is a sort of hybrid between some past chapters (especially Resident Evil 4) and Resident Evil 7. The survival horror sections are few (though highly inspired), and they quickly give way to a title that’s mainly structured like a first-person shooter with long segments. The puzzles are mostly simple, and it’s rare to find yourself without the necessary means to counterattack enemies. This is also thanks to the generous availability of resources scattered throughout the game world, which allow you to craft all sorts of ammunition, explosives, and medical kits. Capcom has also been skilled in characterizing the main antagonists, who truly embody evil itself. It’s a shame about a few shortcomings in the minor boss fights, but overall, despite not being particularly difficult, the battles against the main villains were enjoyable thanks to spectacular and pyrotechnic choices. All in all, Resident Evil Village is a good game that’s worth playing and represents an eighth chapter that’s definitely memorable, though slightly less so than 7 and 4, two of the most dramatic revamps in the series’ history.
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Resident Evil: Village offers a varied and well-constructed experience, blending elements from the fourth and seventh chapters. Its only flaw is the deviation from the series' historical themes.
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The experience had within this version of Resident Evil Village is like no other. I was in awe of the graphics, and it is super immersive and truly frightening. If you're looking for a good horror game to play in PSVR 2, look no further.
Resident Evil Village tells a memorable story filled with action-packed scenarios, moments of trepidation, & an overall euphoric experience.
Despite its flaws, Resident Evil 8: Village offers a fabulous horror experience that fans will enjoy.
Although the plot can't quite live up to its predecessor's superb twist, it's compelling enough to drive the story over 10 hours to a satisfying conclusion. While Resident Evil Village doesn't add anything transformative to the genre, it liberally pays homage to some of the very best bits from a series that's – incredibly – endured for more than a quarter of a century. If only it had better capitalised on its most striking character. Still, she's a vampire, so maybe next time?
Many of the previous entries in the game tend to just go from one location to another, such as Resident Evil 2 going from the police station, straight into the sewer, and then the lab. This did help Village to stand out and feel fresh and made the world just feel more vibrant and important rather than just set dressing.
Village is an incredibly enjoyable experience and can easily be finished in a couple of sittings (or one big one) depending on how well you can handle scares and puzzle solving. It’s art direction, environment and puzzle design highlights the best the series has to offer and there’s also plenty of replayability options as you’ll undoubtedly find things on subsequent playthroughs you may have missed or not had the items to solve the first time through. And the mercenaries and upcoming RE:Verse mode give players plenty to do (and come back to) even after clearing the main story Village has on offer.
In many ways, Resident Evil Village is a purposefully simplistic game that knows its audience and delivers on its promises. It respects the player’s time by giving them a dense central location to explore and provides a generous supply of resources with which to keep its plot momentum strong. It goes to these lengths so as to ensure players can bask in the set pieces and the absurd heights of its storytelling. The game understands what it wants to do and manages to accomplish it in style.
In trying to capture the best of both worlds, Resident Evil Village is a game of two halves. And they are equally hindered by their jarring differences and incompatible foundations.