Scarf Reviews

Scarf is ranked in the 44th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
6.5 / 10.0
Jul 17, 2023

Scarf is a likeable and charismatic adventure, but it fails to stand out enough to deserve a major dedication of our time. The puzzles are creative, the platforming gameplay is minimally satisfying, and the art direction manages to convey positive feelings. However, once completed, this is a journey that is easily forgotten.

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Jul 17, 2023

I could see playing through Scarf once if you’re in the mood to play something that reminds you of Journey, but that isn’t as good as Journey. But beyond that? Scarf throws away whatever goodwill it might generate with an ending that shows it doesn’t really respect your time. Make of that what you will, and decide whether that makes the game worth your time at all.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jul 12, 2023

Scarf is an enjoyable albeit short 3D puzzle platformer with tons of heart. It’s the perfect game for those who want to get their feet wet in the genre or just want to get through something in one sitting.

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65 / 100
Feb 2, 2022

Scarf has the pieces to be laid back and enjoyable platformer. It may get repetitious at times, but never fully frustrating. Hardcore fans of both platforming and puzzles will find a jewel in Scarf.

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4 / 5.0
Jan 26, 2022

Scarf is the perfect game for players who fondly remember titles like Spyro, Journey, and Abzu but want to be able to finish a game in its entirety in one sitting. Its emotionally driven storyline is short, sweet, and to the point with aesthetics that enchant from beginning to end. If you’re looking for something with a fresh yet familiar feel to sink your teeth into without committing too much time and money, it’s honestly hard to top Scarf.

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7 / 10
Jan 5, 2022

While it’s not pushing the genre any further forward, Scarf is a perfectly pleasant way to spend 6 hours of your life. As a non-combative puzzle platformer, it lacks originality. Thankfully, a clever two sided narrative carries the game as it tells both sides of a tale and positions the player in the centre. Just make sure you play this game with a guide so you don’t have to replay whole levels again.

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7 / 10.0
Dec 25, 2021

Scarf does not add anything new to its genre, but the simple mechanics and stunning visuals make this short and relaxing experience enjoyable. However, the controls and puzzles could have been better.

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8 / 10
Dec 21, 2021

Scarf is an endearing experience. It wears its inspirations on its sleeve and doesn’t shatter the genre’s conventions with innovative ideas, but still finds enough sure footing to set itself apart from its contemporaries. Moreover, an unsurprising story and a few instances of intentional time-wasters in puzzles aren’t enough to lessen the benefits of its brisk pace and variety of gorgeous environments. It may not hit the highest highs of the genre, but if you’re in the mood for an atmospheric puzzle platformer, you could do much worse.

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7 / 10.0
Dec 20, 2021

Scarf is a good game, but not one that left an impression. I played it, enjoyed it while it lasted, but once I was done with it, all I could think about is that I would have enjoyed it a lot more three years ago, back when it was first announced, and back when 3D indie plaftormers were still a niche, a breath of fresh air in the market.

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75 / 100
Dec 20, 2021

SCARF is a fun 3D platform game where we will get into the shoes of a hero and his magic scarf with the aim of recovering the various souls that are scattered throughout the different worlds. With a proposal very similar to Rime and a more than remarkable artistic section, SCARF will invite us to delve into Hyke's adventure.

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Dec 19, 2021

Scarf is an enjoyable 3D puzzle platformer with a low difficulty but a very big heart. It’s ideal if you’re looking for a casual game to enjoy with minimal stress. A short experience that doesn’t outstay is welcome. The only mild niggle I had is some of the formulas to the puzzles became a touch familiar over time. Still, it’s a very cute game with a nice relaxing soundtrack (another one to add to the list on Steam). Whenever I put on my scarf while I’m out and about this winter it will be hard for me not to think there’s a hidden dragon spirit inside it.

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7.5 / 10.0
Dec 19, 2021

Scarf is a beautiful puzzle-platformer that packs a lot of meaning in a small package, but only to those willing to explore all of its gorgeous locales.

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7 / 10
Dec 19, 2021

The problem is that Scarf doesn’t deliver on the platforming side and, unlike the fantastic Journey, Scarf never reaches that satisfying conclusion where all those small introspective and grand sweeping moments add up to a crescendo that sticks with you even after you stop playing. Instead, Scarf falls a little flat and, while there is a lot of fun to be had, it doesn’t quite stand up to those games that inspired it.

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